Turn 13: Prison Break In

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"You want us to what now?" Ohgi asked In disbelief.

"He's essential for the next phase of our plan. They all are. So, I need these prepared. Understood?" Zero asked.

"Yes" Ohgi nodded. When he left, Zero turned to Kallen.

"This is yours" Zero held up a pair of keys.

"I don't understand." Kallen just looked at the keys confused.

"Follow me" he said walking with Kallen behind him. "Ohgi and the others tell me your their best fighter"

"I'm not sure about that" Kallen responded.

"There's no need to be humble. But, if you are their best fighter. I'm going to need you during the next mission." Zero spoke as they stared up at a large covered object.

"What is it?" Kallen asked.

"Your Quirk. It let's you highten your senses, am I correct?" Zero asked.

"Yes, it does." Kallen answered.

"Then, this is perfect for you." Zero tossed her the keys and left her alone to her own devices.

"If you need me, then I won't fail" Kallen clutched the keys in her fist staring at her new toy

"Sorry I haven't been hanging out with you guys that much. I've just been so tired lately" Izuku Apologized to his group of friends as they sat at a restaurant.

"Its cool" Shoto accepted the Apology immediately.

"Just don't push yourself too much" Tsu spoke with a ribbit.

"Right' Izuku nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Did you take my suggestion and get to be earlier?" Iida asked

"Uh, not exactly" Izuku answered quietly.

"You should also stop eating so much pizza. I never knew anyone could eat so much pizza. I don't know if a I should be impressed or disgusted." Uraraka said with both disgust and amazement in her voice.

"Well, I'm burning so much calories that I need to keep up" Izuku nervously chuckled.

"Where do you even get the money for all that pizza anyways?" Todoroki asked.

"Uh, my mom sends me some money every months for essentials. But I guess pizza isn't am essential though" izuku chuckled. As the group sat there chatting while eating, a bunch of screaming start, followed by smoke. The group immediately got up, running out of the small restaurant.

"Uraraka, Tsu, you two help with evacuations. Iida, Todoroki, see if you can find the source of the smoke. I'm gonna try and find who caused it" Izuku ordered, taking charge.

"Right" Uraraka nodded before running off with Tsu. Iida and Todoroki did the same, running off to find the source of the smoke. As the four ran off, a smirk appeared on Izuku's face.

'Its show time'

Izuku walked into a dark room to be met with C.C. eating pizza and his outfit hanging and ready to wear.

"Was that necessary?" C.C. asked.

"The stuff at the mall? I needed an alibi because of that Villeta women. So because I was hurting down tbe person who started the fire at the Mall, how can he be across the city?" Izuku asked as he slowly put on his outfit.

"You also put too much trust in that red head girl" C.C. spoke, laying on the couch after finishing her slice of pizza.

"You sound almost jealous. But, she and the other have trust in me. So I should have some in her." Izuku smirked at C.C. putting his mask on. C.C. just stared into the distance as he left the room.

"Dabi" Zero called out. Right around the corner, Dabi showed himself. "Are the preparations done?"

"They are. We're just waiting for your slow ass" Dabi answered. The two just walked through a corridor that lead to a small hanger. "How did you even get this place anyways?"

"I'm a man of many talents. Persuasion is one of them" Zero said as he walked up to a large humanoid robot.

"What's the purpose of these?" Dabi asked.

"Protection. Unlike everyone else, I do not have a quirk that helps me in combat. So I had this specially built for me" Zero ran his hand along the leg of the machine. "Tell everyone to get into position"

Zero walked down a large lit hallway with Mr. Compress behind him. At the end was gate with police officers.

"Freeze!" One them yelled as they all pointed their guns at Zero. Part of his mask open so he could make eye contact.

"Die" izuku command, using his geass. The officers just brought the guns to their heads and pulled the trigger. After the bodies hit the floor, Zero snapped his fingers and Mr. Compressed tossed one of his marbles at the gate, making it disappeared.

"We could've used Kurogiri to get in and out." Mr. Compress pointed out how easy it would be to just warp in and out.

"No, it is impossible. If it wasn't for Ohgi, this entire place would still be filled with quirk nullifiers" Zero explained as he pointed out what looked like lights turned off, but where quirk nullifiers. "Kallen, are you in position?"

"Yes I am. Just give me the word." Kallen confirmed her position

"Compress. You know what to do" Zero looked back at Compress for him to make a hole in a wall and walk through it. He turned back around and kept walking until he met more officer and a large steel door.

"Stop right there!" An officer yelled.

"Open the door" Zero ordered.

"Who are you to order me around terrorist?!" Another officer yelled.

"Right away" an officer said, obeying his orders to open the door.

"You, Kill them" He ordered as an officer Pointe his gun at his fellow officer

"Hey, what are-" a loud gunshot interrupted his words and were followed by more gunshots until he was the last one standing.

"W-whats going on" He asked as the geass wore off on him.

"Thanks for your assistance" Zero thanked the officer by pointing his own gun at him and pulling the trigger. After watching the man's body fall, he walked through the door and took a seat across from the one and only All For One

"I was wondering when you'd come to speak to me... Zero" All For One Smiled.

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