Turn 19: A Stray Cat's New Trouble

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Izuku sped walked silently to the gates of UA. To the class, this was him leaving the campus to go look for Eri. In reality, it was him going out to be Zero.

"Young Midoryia!" All Might called out to Izuku, Stopping him. He jusy stood there with his back turned.

"You can't stop me All Might" izuku spoke.

"I know. Just listen. Going out there in this kind of state won't do you or that girl any good. No one knows where she is. So just come back" All Might said taking a few steps towards Izuku.

"Yeah, i don't know where she is. But there are ways to find her." Izuku said walking out of the gate, leaving All Might alone in the court yard.

"So, what are we going to do about him?" Aizawa asked as he and a few other teachers sat around a table.

"Until he actually does something, we can't really do anything" Midnight pointed out.

"This is the first time I've seen him this angry. I hope he doesn't do anything rash"  All Might hoped as he sat there stuck in his thoughts.

"Out of anyone, he's fought the hardest to keep that safe and just in one night, she was taken" Midnight said worryingly.

"How did he get in?" Nezu asked grabbing everyone's attention. "Zero walked right in without setting off any alarms. Meaning he had inside help or is a student or teacher"

"We need to know everything you saw" Aizawa said as he sat across from Uraraka in an empty teacher lounge.

"I told you everything last night. I went out to get some fresh air. I saw someone snooping around. So I followed them. But it was already too dark to see who it was." Uraraka explained. Aizawa just stared at the young girl for a moment or two in silence.

"You know who it is" Aizawa blurted out catching her off guard slightly.

"N-no, I swear. I don't know who it was" Uraraka promised.

"I see. Then you have no need to be here." Aizawa dismissed Uraraka. So she just stood up and left. The same time she exited the room, she saw Kallen race down a set of stairs. Without even really thinking, Uraraka started to follow her again.

Zero walked down a hallway, stopping at a door. Before entering the room, he heard his name called.

"Zero!" Tamaki called out.

"What is it, Tamaki?" Zero asked.

"Kallen gets to ride her super cool Mech and Ohgi is in charge of pretty much everything. You gotta give me something to do man" Tamki basically begged.

"I put you in charge of the budget. Instead of making sure our equipment was top quality, you took out the recruites for fancy dinners at expensive restaurants. But I'll figure something out for you. Now excuse me, I have urgent business to attend to" Zero said as he opened the door, going inside, leaving Tamaki alone in the hallway.

Inside the room, C.C. sat on the floor with her back turned. He notice that instead of her hair being the usual straight, she had it in twin pigtails. Right next to her sat Eri.

"Can I do your hair again?" She asked.

"But you have already done it five times in the last two hours" C.C. tried to protest. But Eri kept asking. Under the mask, Izuku couldn't help but slightly smile.

"C.C." Zero spoke, finally alerting the two to hid presence.

"You're back" C.C. spoke, leaving her back turned to Zero. Eri turned around to stare at Zero with a blank face. Mostly trying to process wether he is friend or foe. "He is friendly." C.C. said looking back. "For the most part"

"OH, ok" Eri said with a nod to C.C. Zero reached for his helmet to take off.

"Is it wise to let a little girl know your identity?" C.C. asked as he took it off.

"This one, yes it is" Izuku said with a smile.

"Deku?" Eri asked confused.

"Yeah it's me" he said setting down his helmet on a nearby stand. "Are you ok?"

"Uh huh. Ms... uh" Eri scratched her forehead as she tried to remember C.C.'s name.

"C.C." izuku answered.

"Yeah. She's been really nice to me. But..." Eri looked down, fidgeting with her fingers. "She said that he was here. Is he?" Izuku sighed as he went to sit on the floor, across the table from the two girls.

"Yes he is. But he's not going to hurt you. I promise" Izuku said offering her a small smile. "You know I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, right?" Izuku asked getting a nod.

"But what about Lemillion and the others?" Eri asked.

"I guess she didn't tell you. It's not safe there. So they asked me to protect you. That's why I was wearing that helmet. So the bad guys can't find us" Izuku explained, giving her another reassuring smile.

Uraraka followed Kallen to what looked like an abandoned subway entrance from the twenty third century.  She reluctantly followed her inside. At first, it looked just like your average abandoned subway.

After trying to figure out where Kallen went, she nearly gave up since she disappeared like a ghost. But the sound of chatter comming from the ground stopped her from leaving. She was standing on a trap door that almost blended in with ground around it.

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