Turn 26: Refrain

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"So, were actually doing it?" Tamaki asked

"Of course we are." Kallen responded over the comms

"Seriously? Do you know how much dough we can make from selling this?" Tamaki asked. As he did, he felt a dark presence over him. Turning around, he saw Zero standing right next to him, staring at him.

"We're not selling it" Zero said walking away from Tamaki and the rest of the group. When Zero was gone, Tamaki went back to his old self.

"Well, I get why we he won't sell it. But why is having us run around helping the police?" Tamaki asked.

"Still feels good to uave the people behind us though" a black knight spoke up.

"Were totally heroes to them" another one spoke.

"We're not heroes." Dabi said coming out of nowhere. "So shut up and be ready" as they sat there waiting, a green light started to flash in the distance.

"Thats the signal." Ohgi said pointing out the light.

"How did he get in there? How many tricks does this guy have?" Tamaki asked.

Inside the warehouse, dozens of men were packing and shipments filled with viles of red liquid.

"We don't have all day. Move faster" a man with a gun demanded. As they were moving around, bullets started to pour through the warehouse door. When it was kicked in, a large blue flame entered the warehouse.

"The black knights have arrived" Tamaki announced when the flames died down and shot his gun into the warehouse.

"What the hell is that!?" A man yelled as red Mech stormed into the warehouse. It was Kallen in Zero's Glasgow.

"I don't get why I have to use this one. The new one is ready" Kallen complained as she stormed the warehouse guns blazing. She went straight for a large Door, going straight through it. On the other side of the door were Civilians. But it looked like they were all high. "OH no, this is worst than I thought"

But the one thing that got her attention was a women who looked to he in her early 40s and reminded her of a classmate.

"OH of course I'll help you pick out your hero name, Izu"

'Does she mean Izu and Izuku?' Kallen asked herself.

"I think you added ten thousand views yourself to this one yourself Izuku"

Kallen watched as Inko spoke to herself. She couldn't help but feel bad. But as she just watched, a bunch of bullets started to hit her Mech.

"What are the police doing here?" Ohgi asked.

"Tamaki!" Zero spoke up.

"Hey, don't look at me. When I check it out there wasn't any cops involved" Tamaki defended himself.

"Corrupted filth!" Zero spoke with hatred in voice and everyone around him could feel it. "Dabi, purify the filth"

"With pleasure" Dabi smirked as he went to take care of the filth. As Zero went to go check on Kallen, the screams of the officers filled the warehouse. Part of him felt good for ridding the world of corruption. The other part of him felt guilty.

"I'm so proud of you, Izuku"

Zero turned to Inko, catching him off gaurd.

'Mother?' Zero asked himself as he stared at his mom high on refrain.

"False tears bring pain to those around you. A false smile bring pain only to yourself." C.C. spoke as she watched Zero from the catwalk from above.

"She won't be able to speak for a while. It's an after effect of the drug. She will be back to normal like nothing happened. But, it will take time." The nurse explain. "I'll leave you alone and give some time alone" the nurse left the room, leaving Izuku and Inko alone.

"I'm sorry" izuku spoke quietly and softly. "I'm sorry that I was such a burden to you for all this years." A single tear ran down his cheek. The room was back to being silent. But the sound of the door opening a couple set of foot steps broke the silence.

"Kallen told us you were here" a female voice spoke up. Izuku turned to see his group of friends standing behind him.

"Thanks for checking up on me. But, you guys can go." Izuku said turning back around.

"Deku, were-"

"Its Midoryia" Izuku interrupted Uraraka shocking the group slightly. "I hate that name. I always did. Just go" He said leaving the room in a awkward silence. That was until the shuffling of their feet and the door closing broke the silence. But it just went back to silence again.

"Sorry for slapping you earlier"

Izuku turned to see Kallen standing there. He didn't realize it at first that Kallen was a part of the original group. She just didn't leave when the rest did.

"Its ok. I deserved it" izuku chuckled a bit. "But, thank you."

"What for?" Kallen asked.

"The news said you guys hit the warehouse tonight and saved everyone inside. So thank you" Izuku turned back to give her a smile. Kallen couldn't help but return the smile. As Izuku smiled at her, a stream of tears ran down his cheek.

Kallen took a single step forward unsure of what to do. Thankfully izuku made that call. Izuku had her locked in a hug.

"Thank you" he whispered.

Outside the door, watching through the window on the door, Uraraka watched the two interact with each other.

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