Turn 27: New Toys And Rookies

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C.C. floated in water wearing a swim suit she had stolen from U.A. While she was floating in the water, Izuku sat in the sand looking at his computer. The two were visiting Tokoba Municipal Beach at night.

"Huh?" Izuku looked at his computer confused. A smirk slowly appeared on his face. "She's not the type to be a spy." Izuku said as he looked at a resume to join the Black Knights from Itsuka Kendo.

"Isn't it amazing how the number of recruites keeps getting bigger" C.C. spoke as she continued to float

"Yes. It was a a lot more simple than I thought it would be" izuku responded. "While I do hate most heroes. I don't condone terrorism. Because of our support, the Civilians don't report us to the authorities. Which makes everything so much easier" he said closing his lap top. "The moment they hear a group opposing any form of corruption, they jusy have to join the bandwagon"

"Which is why you proclaim yourself to be the knights of justice" C.C. spoke as she exited the water.

"Yeah well, everyone loves their so called heroes" izuku smirked.

"I thought you weren't a hero" C.C. asked while drying off.

"We're not heroes." Izuku answered.

"Thats something a knight of justice would say" C.C. said with a small smile.

"Kaminari! I must put an end to this" Iida yelled at Kaminari who wore a bed sheet and a bucket like Zero.

"Come on man. We're just having some fun. Right guy?" Kaminari asked

"No while you're dressed like a terrorist" iida protested.

"Last time I checked, terrorist don't rescue hostages and stop drug rings" Mina said, inserting herself into the conversation.

"What about the thousands of lives Zero took on the Ghetto?" Momo asked.

"Weren't you listening? That wasn't him" Tokoyami answered. Class 1-A have been split in support of Zero or against Zero ever since the broadcast all around Japan.

"We don't even know if that's even true" Tsu said pointing out the fact it could be a lie.

"I think Deku joined the Black Knights" Uraraka said getting everyone's attention

"What do you mean he joined the black knights?" Todoroki asked.

"Its just... I've been piecing all the pieces together. Kallen said she left to go look for Deku. When we left the hospital room, I stayed back to see him and Kallen speak to each other" Uraraka explained.

"I think someone has a case of jealousy" Mina teased.

"Kallen was the one to let Zero in when Eri got Kidnapped" Uraraka admitted leaving everyone silent. "I also followed her one night to find her talking with Zero."

"Why didn't you sag anything?" Jiro asked.

"Because I was scared. Not for me. For Kallen" Uraraka answered.

"How did we even get our hands on this?" Ohgi asked as he, Tamaki, and Kallen stared up at her new Mech.

"The Fukushima family sent it to us" Zero answered as he took a step next to Kallen.

"The Fukushima family!? Aren't they like one of the riches families in all of japan!?" Tamaki asked. "So even they're behind us?"

"You're wrong. This is a test." Zero responded.

"So what if it is?" Kallen asked. "This still amazing."

"You're an optimist. I like it. Make sure it's ready by tomorrow" Zero order as he walked away from the group.

"Wait" ohgi called out. Making Zero stop in his tracks. "What's going on tomorrow?"

"We're destroying orange" Zero answered as he walked off.

"Kendo?" Kallen asked as she stopped to see Kendo among the new recruits.

"Kallen. I didn't know you also joined the black knight" Kendo said excitedly.

"What are you doing here?" Kallen asked.

"I'm joining the black knights as a Mechanic" Kendo answered.

"But why?" Kallen asked.

"Because, the more I thought about it. Zero has the potential to bring justice to those who don't get it. Too many heroes and police officers look the other way. Like the drug ring they busted. I heard the police were on it. So I wanted to help and stop things like that from happening" Kendo answered. Before Kallen could respond, Chisaki interrupted the two.

"You" he pointed to Kallen. "Tell Zero I need to speak to him"

"About what?" Kallen asked annoyed.

"Thats none of your business" Chisaki responded.

"Then find him yourself" Kallen said

"Why you-" Chisaki rose his hand.

"Chisaki!" Zero yelled, making him stop. "Wait for me in my office" he demanded. Without responding, Chisaki just walked away bumping into Kallen's should. When he bumped her shoulder, it was just hard enough to have her fall. "Are you alright?" Zero asked, extending his hand to Kallen. She looked up to stare at his mask. She eventually grabbed his hand so he could pull her up.

"I'm alright. Thank you" Kallen thanked him with a little bow.

"I need you to watch over Eri tonight." Zero said. Kallen was a little shocked that he even asked in front of everyone. When she didn't respond fast enough, Zero looked around to see everyone was still looking. "Back to work. We have a big day tomorrow." He said making everyone get back to what they were doing.

"Uh, yeah sure" Kallen nodded.

"Great" is all Zero said before walking away.

"Did he just ask you to babysit for him?" Kendo asked.

"Yes he did. Again" Kallen sighed.

"Again? I thought you just joined the black knights like me" Kendo asked.

"I'll explain later" Kallen waved off Kendo as she went to go off and watch Eri.

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