Turn 29: Project Orange Pt. 1

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"Today is the day we bring an end to project orange" Zero announced as he stood on a large stage. The room was fill was filled with hundreds of ex military/police, villains, and even ex heroes. Behind Zero stood Ohgi, Kallen, Dabi, and Stain. When Zero announced they were going to destroy project orange, the room erupted in cheers. "You have been told project orange is a poison gas still in development. That is only half the truth. Project orange is much larger than that. I, myself do not know the true purpose of project orange. But, today, today is the day we find out and put an end to it" Zero yelled making the crowd cheer even louder.

Behind him, Kallen couldn't help but smile at Zero. He's done the impossible many time. And today won't be any different. Kallen has her entire trust in Zero.

C.C. watched from a distance where she wouldn't be spotted. From inside Zero's Glasgow.

"So, you're finally making your big move. What was it you said? Of a king doesn't lead, how can his subordinates follow? This is the move where you move you king Midoryia. Will they follow or will the black knights crumble?"

"C.C." Zero spoke as he stood outside the Glasgow.

"Yes, what is it Izuku?" C.C. asked.

"You're lucky everyone Is gone. But I'm putting all my trust in you today. Can I trust you?" Zero asked.

"I won't do anything to harm our contract in any way." C.C. answered.

"Good. You know what to do" Zero said before he walked away.

"Before you go, get me some pizza" C.C. demanded.

"How ironic. And I thought I was the one giving the orders." Zero chuckled.

"I order you to Die" Zero demanded as gunshots went off and bodies fell to the floor. "Ohgi, send unit six to the lookout. It's cleared."

"Already?" Ohgi asked through the comms "I'll send them right away Zero."

Zero walked around the room, inspecting every inch of the room.

"Freeze" a man demanded. Turning around, he saw a man pointing a gun at him. He looked familiar to Zero. But he couldn't find out why.

"If you want to live, you'll put the gun down and walk away" Zero suggested.

"Y-you're Zero" the man said as he tensed up and moved the gun from his chest to his face.

'Thats why he looks familiar.'

"If you would like to go home and see your wife and daughter, I suggest putting the gun down" Zero suggested again.

"I-i can't. I have to bring you in" the man said. Zero saw him react even though he hadn't said anything to him. Meaning he recieved orders through an earpiece.

"I ORDER YOU DO DIE" Zero shouted the moment he saw the man's finger move from the side of the gun to trigger. And just like he demanded, the man raised the gun to his head and a loud bang rang throughout the room. "I'm sorry" Zero whispered.

"What happened in here?" A man asked dressed in the black knights uniform.

"You know what your job is." Zero said going for the door. "Clean this mess up" He said before exiting the room. Exiting the room, a cold breeze hit him. He wasn't in any hallway. He was standing on the mountains.

"Checkpoint one is secured. Status on check point two and three" Zero asked.

"Team two made it to checkpoint three and have it secured" A man spoke.

"We would have checkpoint two already If twice didn't have to stop for a leak" Spinner spoke.

"I had to go. No I didn't. I was joking" Twice said.

"We'll move in when Spinner's team take checkpoint two. Dabi, Chisaki, get ready. Your teams will be heading in soon. Kallen, give them cover fire if they needed."

"Right" Kallen acknowledged.

"I know you've done the impossible before. But is this even going to work?" Dabi asked.

"Dont question Master Zero" Toga yelled.

"When did he become master?" Hawks asked.

"Here's a better question. Why the hell is he here?" Dabi asked.

"Hawks. I'm glad you accepted my invitation. But for why he's here, he's here like the rest of us are" Zero said as he made his was away from the checkpoint, down the mountain to where C.C. was in his Glasgow.

"You are aware he's some kind of double agent, right?" Stain asked.

"I am very well aware of his past. Hawks has my trust." Zero said as he stood next to his Glasgow.

"I don't trust him one bit" Dabi said with distrust in his voice.

"Then trust me" Zero reassured.

"This is Spinner. Checkpoint two is taken"

"Dabi, Chisaki. Make your move" Zero smirked.

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