Turn 24: Tales Of Tokyo

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"That was quiet a speech you gave. But how did you get that girl his arms back?" C.C. asked as she cuddled with the plushie she had stolen from Izuku's room.

"Her name is Eri and I used my geass." Izuku sighed as he sulked at his desk.

"I see. And do you regret using it on her?" C.C. asked.

"Its not like I order her to carry out an order to kill someone. But, a part of me feels like it was wrong to use it on her" izuku answered.

"And taking thousands of people hostage isn't?" C.C. asked

"Thats different." Said standing up and grabbing his mask. "Behave yourself when I'm gone"

"Dont worry. I'm not going to ruin everything you've built" she said as izuku left.

"So, we got Midoryia, Bakugou, and Stadtfield missing." Aizawa spoked as he and his fellow teachers sat around a table.

"And now with massage Zero put out yesterday, it's even more dangerous out there" Midnight said worried about her students.

"I've already asked a few people to keep an eye out for the three. But we all know that's not going to be enough, isn't it?" Present mic asked.

"Its even more dangerous now that they're all united under Zero. But I don't understand. How was he able to do it?" All Might asked.

"Its simple. Zero is a charismatic person. He most likely appealed to what they wanted." Nezu answered.

"I'll put out extra patrols during the week." Aizawa said.

"Just keep an extra eye out on all the students." Nezu spoke as he hopped his chair and waddled away.

Kallen stared at her old Mech that was now colored purple and gold instead of her old red.

"This new so called gift better be worth it" Kallen pouted.

"And you won't be disappointed" Zero said appearing out of nowhere. Which caused Kallen to fall off the crate she was sitting on. Zero held out his hand for her to grab. Kallen hesitantly grabbed his hand, having him pull her up. "Follow me" he ordered as the two walked through a set of doors that led to a dark room.

"So, what are we doing in here?" Kallen asked.

"A friend of mine was working on a prototype shen you recieved the Glasgow. I feel like you'll like this model better" Zero said as he flicked a switch, turning the lights on. Kallens eyes widened and gleamed with excitement.

"So, does this mean we're not the League of villains anymore?" Spinner asked.

"No, we are not" Kurogiri answered.

"That brat still isn't the boss of me" Shigaraki sulked on the couch of their old hideout.

"This is exciting! No, this sucks. I hate it" Twice yelled.

"All I want is to see Zero bleed. I bet he looks cute under that mask. Especially with blood" Toga said fantasizing of who Zero really I'd under his mask.

"Whoever he is. He did something that you couldnt" Dabi said, directing his words to Shigaraki.

"Whatever." Shigaraki scoffed. "Whatever he can do, I do better"

"Even get the Yakuza to be your lap dog like Zero did?" Dabi asked with a smirk.

"Why you little-"

C.C. sat on the floor while Eri sat next to her as she colored on the floor.

'I can't believe I got stuck on babysitting duty' C.C. thought as she watched Eri.

"Hey, look. I made you and Mr. Deku" eri said holding up a drawing of what's supposed to be C.C. and Izuku.

"And what is that in between us?" C.C. asked.

"Its me" Eri said with a bright smile.

"I see" C.C. said staring at the drawing. "Why don't I go get us some pizza"

"Again?" Eri asked.

"I can go get some vegetables if you want" C.C. offered as she stood up.

"I like pizza" Eri said with a toothy grin.

"Thats what I thought" C.C. said as she walked over to the desk where Izuku had left his cell phone. Opening the phone, she saw he had multiple texts and missed calls from both Uraraka and his mother. But she just ignored it and went straight to the pizza hut app.

"Why isn't he picking up?" Uraraka asked herself as she placed down her phone after Izuku didn't answer her phone call. While she sat there, there was a knock on the door. So she stood up and opened the door. On the other side was Mina. "Mina, what are you doing here?"

"A little birdie told me that you keep trying to reach Midoryia. You need to relax" Mina said forcing her out of her own room.


"Dont even finish that sentence" Mina interrupted Uraraka as she dragged her down the stairs. "Look who I got" she announced to everyone who was in the common area.

"Hey, you should join us" Momo waved them over with a smile.

"Huh, what's going on over here?" Uraraka asked as she approached the table to see they were playing a boardgames.

"I'm sure they're fine. Just relaxing" Mina said taking a seat"

Izuku took the time to travel from Musutafu to Tokyo jusy to sit all the way at the top of the Tokyo Skytree, alone. After everything he's done as both Izuku and Zero, he felt like he needed a break. The wind against his hair and cheeks felt amazing. That mixed with the view of Tokyo during the night, there was no other view that could compete.

Izuku stood up and walked towards the very edge and closed his eyes, feeling the wind blow between his fingers. With one deep breath in, he tipped forward. He opened his eyes to see the ground approaching fast. The sensation he felt as the air roared past him made him feel so alive. He just couldn't help but smile as was falling.

He waited for the exact last moment to use black whip to catch himself, and swing away from the skytree and land on a nearby building with a large smile on his face. His heart was racing faster than it has ever. But it wasn't just because of the ride he just had.

He was thinking of someone while he jumped.

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