Turn 31: Project Orange Pt. 2

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Zero walked down a long hallway with C.C. right behind him. The two had snuck into the main complex under the mountain while everyone was distracted.

"What are you going to do about the Black Knights?" C.C. asked.

"Dont worry. They'll be fine" Zero answered.

"I'm not worried I'd they'll be OK. I'm wondering what you're going to do with when you're done" C.C. wondered.

"They're what's going to replace these corrupted heroes. The term Heroes will be eradicated and be replaced by Knights" Zero explained as he and C.C. entered a large room to see a bald man sitting alone.

'No, it can't be. This shouldn't be possible.'

"Please, take a seat... Izuku"

"Where the hell did Zero go?" Tamki asked as he and a few other were hiding behind a giant rock while being shot at.

"I don't know. I can't reach him." Kallen spoke through the comms.

"Well, whatever he's doing. He better hurry back before i kick his ass" Tamaki yelled as he occasionally opened fire. But it suddenly went silent.

"Does anyone here that?" Ohgi asked.

"No. There's no sound" Tamaki answered.

"Exactly. They stopped shooting. But why?" Ohgi asked.

"This is Zero. Everyone stand down. They are surrounded. They are now prisoners of war" Zero spoke.

"Prisoners of war?" Tamaki asked confused. "Does this mean..."

In her cockpit, Kallen had the look of pure joy.

"Tamaki, you know what that means" Kallen spoke as she sat there with a smile

Bakugou was at the foot of the mountain. He knew Izuku was working with the black knights even though he denied it. While at the base, he heard gunshots. The town at the base was in total lock down. Military were everywhere. He was lucky to not even be caught yet.

Eventually he heard the gunshots stop. Meaning it was his que to go in.

"So, what is Zero doing anyways?" Tamaki asked.

"That is none of our concern" Dabi spoke as he hauled two men away. "Get back to work"

"You don't wanna make him angry dude" ohgi chuckled, getting an eye roll from Tamaki

"Ohgi, watch out!" Kallen yelled as she grabbed Ohgi with her Mech.

A loud explosion filled their ears as a blur went right past them. If Kallen didn't grab him, the blur would've hit Ohgi.

"What the hell was that?" Tamaki asked.

"Domt know and it isn't my problem." Dabi said as he watched the blur scale the mountain.

The blur was Katsuki Bakugou. He was on a mission to find Izuku. But that would take some time. Instead of finding him though, he found the parked Glasgow that belonged to Zero. He just smirked at the Glasgow before heading its way.

"I already know who you are. So the mask is pointless. Don't you agree?" The man asked.

"Yes, I agree" Zero said as he took a seat across from the man with C.C. sitting on the arm of the chair. "But before I do, I must ask, how?"

"How what?" The man asked.

"You were in jail. How did you escape? I would've heard about another escape" Zero asked the man jusy chuckled.

"Did you really think I would be that stupid to be arrested?" The man asked leaning forward. Zero stared down the man. It was All For One. "How about this. I asked you to take off your mask. So I'll take mine off aswell"

'What the hell does that mean? What mask?'

"Yes, that seems fair" Zero agreed as he reached for his helmet, taking it off and putting it on the table infront of him. At the same time, the man snapped his fingers. This caused his face to shift. He now had eyes unlike before, his hair regrew into curly white hair. The man looked so familiar to Izuku. But he couldn't place it.

'Why does he look so familiar? Where do I know him from?'

"Hey mom. Who is he?" A young izuku asked as he pointed to a man in a photo album next to his mother.

"OH him? That's your father Jzu" Inko answered with a smile.

"Really? Where is he?" Izuku asked.

"Well, he's gone now" she answered

"Oh" was the only reaction from Izuku

'Impossible! You're supposed to be dead!'

That wasn't the only thing he noticed about the man. His eyes. Both of them had a geass. Izukus eyes widened at both discoveries.

"Is everything alright? You seem... distressed" All For One Asked with a slight grin on his face.

"Shut the hell up!" Izuku yelled. C.C. just blankly looked down on him. He was hunched over and grabbing his face with his right hand. "It doesn't make any sense."

"You're a smart boy. I'm sure you can figure out and put the pieces together." All For One said keeping his grin.

"Mom said you were dead!" Izuku blurted out and standing up from his seat.

"Ah, so, you figured it out. At least part of it. Shall we keep putting this puzzle together?" All for one asked.

"Why?" Izuku asked quietly making All For One lift an eyebrow. "Why did you leave her all alone?" Izuku asked as a tear hit the ground. Out of all the questions he could ask, that's what he could ask? "Did you know she was on refrain? It's all your fault"

"So it is. What of it?" All For One Asked.

"What of it? What of it!? I just want to know why you left us! Tell me damn it!" Izuku yelled, trying to use his geass on All For One. But nothing happened. He jusy chuckled.

'It didn't work. But why? It should've work'

"I knew you had to be a geass user. The moment you step foot on this mountain, I felt it." All For One spoke as the door to the room opened. "But seems this conversation will have to wait."

"Zero." The voice called out. Izuku quickly grabbed his Helmet and put it on. Turning to see who it what. He was trapped.

Zero and C.C. stood right in the middle of Katsuki Bakugou and his supposedly dead father.

What cliffhanger right? Well, that's the cliff hanger for this entire book. That's the end of Age Of Lies. Don't worry. I'll be back to finish the story. This is all I had planned. So I'll be back soon. After my next project that is.

Have a good day, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

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