Turn 18: The False Promise

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"Thats why you had me break you into U.A.? To steal a little girl?" Kallen asked as she stood behind Zero as he sat in a chair, typing away on his computer.

"Yes, it is" Zero answered. "If you are worried that if I will misuse or mistreat her, you do not have to worry" Zero turned back slightly to look back at Kallen. "She has my best interest."

Kallen stood there staring at Zero. For the first time since she's met him, this was first time she could actually tell he was sincere about something.

"But, it doesn't feel right" Kallen objected.

"But spreading fear by committing acts of terrorism isn't?" Zero asked, standing up from his chair, pointing out the giant hole in her words. "Again, she has my best interests. So there's nothing to worry about. Now, if you excuse me, we both have someplace to be" He said mentioning the time. "Dont want to oversleep and miss class now"

Kallen stared at Zero for a moment before she just left without saying a word. Zero walked over to a couch he had in his office and took a seat, removing his helmet.

"Kidnapping a child. That is something I didn't expect" Izuku looked to see that C.C. had appeared on the couch, holding his plushie.

"You gotta stop doing that" Izuku said as he leaned back into tbe couch. "But it was necessary. It's the only way to give Overhaul his arms back."

"I have not heard of a quirk that could do that. What makes you think she can give him his arms back?" C.C. asked.

"During my fight with Overhaul during the raid, I had to push beyond one hundred percent. Because of it, my body was constantly destroying itself. But with Eri with me, she was able to reverse it. So it would make sense that she could reverse it to where he still had his arms." Izuku explained.

"I see. But how will you get her to use her quirk?" C.C. asked getting silence from Izuku. After sitting there in silence for what felt like forever, Izuku finally stood up. He went over to a closet and begin to take off his cloak.

"I need to get back. I want you to stay her incase something happens. I assume you know how to take care of a child" Izuku said as he hung up his cloak. He stood there with his shirt off and wearing leggings.

"Yes, I know how to feed someone" C.C.

"Thats not what I meant. I'll just have Ohgi check up on her then" izuku said as he grabbed his school uniform. C.C. just watched as he got dressed.

"If the girl can rewind your body. Why not have her get rid of your scars?" C.C. asked.

"Because... they're reminders of where I started and what I'm fighting for. I don't want to get rid of that" izuku answered. "Dont order anymore pizza. Your running me dry" He said leaving the room.

Izuku sat at his desk writing in his notebook before class. As he sat there, he could hear a couple of his classmates whispering. Most likely about last night. But since Zero was there and not Izuku, he acted clueless as he sat there writing. Aizawa quietly walked into the room. As he did, half of the students stood up leaving everyone else confused.

"Some of you already know what happened. For you thos who don't, I have some bad news. Zero took Eri last night" Aizawa revealed to the rest of the class. It was silent to the point only the air conditioning could be heard. That was until a loud cracking sound was Made.

Everyone turned to see Midoryia clutching his broken pencil. His face was blank, but everyone could sense the anger in his eyes. Even the air felt more tense than usual.

"Deku?" Uraraka spoke up. Which only caused a small Arc of green electricity to form from his hand. Izuku looked up at Aizawa, staring him down in the eyes.

"I don't care if our internships are suspended. I'm going to find Zero. I'm going to find Eri and save her" izuku promised as he stared down his teacher.

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