Turn 16: Learning To Bowl

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Apologies for this late upload. Everything got a little hectic with Easter. But don't expect uploads to be as frequent as they used to. I am currently working on a big project for what I'm going to do after this. A lot of planning is going into it. This book definitely take priority first. But keep an eye out for an update about the project

"Midoryia, you didn't say you were going to bring a chick over" Kaminari blurted out as Izuku walked into the dorms with Kallen right behind him.

"Im sorry?" Izuku Apologized looking back at Kallen.

"Really?" Jiro asked jabbing Kaminari. "I'm sorry about him. Just pretend he doesn't exist. It always works"

"Hey" Kaminari said offended.

"I need to return a few things to my room. I'll right back" izuku excused himself, running up the stairs to his room. "I need you to do something for me"

C.C. just looked over at Izuku as she laid on his bed.

"I hope you guys don't mind I brought Kallen with" Izuku rubbed the back of his neck with a goofy smile.

"Its cool" Todoroki said quietly as he picked up a bowling ball.

"Yeah, I don't mind" Uraraka smiled at the girl.

"I also accept" Iida added.

"I have no problem either. But why did we go bowling?" Tsu asked.

"My dad has a membership. But he never uses it. So I come here when I need to be alone" Todoroki answered Tsu.

"Well, thanks for having me guys" Kallen thanked the group. Altho it would probably due her good to have a core group to hangout with at school, she didn't exactly come with to have a good time. She wanted to keep an eye on Midoryia. There was just so much pointing to him being Zero.

"The pleasure is ours" Izuku smiled at Kallen before standing up and taking his turn. In the corner of Kallens eye, she noticed the news was on in the corner. It was talking about the prison break in that she was a part of. The footage they were showing was her Escaping in her Glasgow.

"You're up, Kallen" Izuku called out taking a seat next to Todoroki.

"OH, it is?" She asked looking at the screen to see it was indeed her turn. So she got up and grabbed a ball. So far she had either only gotten three pins at max or a gutter ball. "This isn't gonna end well" Kallen whispered to herself as she rolled the ball getting a gutter ball. "Called it."

"Here, let me show you" Izuku grabbed her ball when it came back. "Your form is all wrong" Izuku got behind Kallen to show her how to properly bowl instead of whatever she was doing. The two didn't realize how close they were. But Uraraka's face got even brighter than usual at the sight of how close they were.

On the otherside of the room sat a women in all white with a large hat on while eating some pizza. Izuku had Kallen roll the ball down the Lan for it to be a strike.

"There you go" izuku raised his hand up for a high-five. Kallen hesitantly gave him returned the gesture. Many thoughts were racing through her mind. If she's correct, she just had Zero teach her how to bowl. Kallen took a seat to see Uraraka get up and take her turn.

As she sat there, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. When she pulled it out of her pocket, she tried to not have an reaction.

"Excuse me, I gotta take this" Kallen excused herself from the group and went to a corner of the room that was relatively empty but can still see the group. "What is it?" Kallen asked as she held up her phone to her ear.

"Enjoying bowling, Kallen?" It was Zero on the other end

Kallen immediately looked over to the group to see that Izuku was laughing at Iida while basically shining crappy bar fries in his mouth.

"How can I help you?" Kallen asked quietly.

"Its about one of our friends. I need you to do something me. But let's discuss that somewhere more private, shall we? Meet meet in my office" Zero said before hanging up.

As he did, the women from earlier got up and walked out of the building. Kallen went back to her group after he hung up on her.

"Sorry guys. I have a family emergency. I'll hang out with you guys some other time" Kallen apologized, making up a lie.

"Aw really?" Uraraka whined.

"Uraraka, act more mature" Iida chopped the air.

"Is everything alright?" Izuku asked

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just unscheduled news is all. I'll see you at school" Kallen waved as she left the bowling alley. As she did, Izuku wore a smirk on his face.

Kallen knocked on a door to hear a faint it's open. When she opened it, she was bombarded with purple, gold, and black pallet. In the room, with their back to Kallen, stood Zero.

"You needed to talk with me" Kallen spoke up 

"Yes, I did" Zero looked back at Kallen, turning around.

"How can I help?" Kallen asked.

"I'm going to need you to risk your involvement with me getting out there for this. So, are you prepared to do something like that?" Zero asked.

"Of course. Playing schoolgirl isn't my thing anyways. So, what is that you need?" Kallen asked, crossing her arms.

"I need to get into U.A."

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