Amberlynn p.o.v

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I wake up before my beast I took the day off bc I want to do something special for beast so get I out of bed without waking my man up and I go down stairs to make breakfast in bed for him . I made eggs,bacon,sausage, pancakes and hashbrowns with green peppers and onions and cup of coffee and tea for myself . I put everything on a cart and use the elevator upstairs  which opens up in my office I open the door and headed to our room I open the door and head in I went over and kissed my beast on his lips he opened his eyes and said good morning and he asked me what's going on and I said I wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed. He said you didn't have to do that I said I know but do everything to make my day and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you for that he said thank you and kissed me he asked me what time do I have to be at work I said I took the day off so I can spend sometime with this sexy beast of man he growled and said who would that be I said the only one that has my heart and soul that I plan on marrying soon but I have to start planning the details with so that I know what he wants too. He looks at me and asked is that so I laughed and asked is my beastie jealous he said yes I am.

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