amberlynn p.o.v

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I finally got to cali and to the house and its beautiful and spacious I explore all the rooms in the house master bedroom thank God the house is already furnished now I only have to stock up the fridge and pantry with food and get me some more clothes and a car and my license changed over . I started to think about my mom Macy and wonder if she is looking down on me with a smile . Then I started  to think maybe I could start my own business since I already got my business license and degree in California already because I got a scholarship after I  graduated high school to the university of California because that's where my mom wanted to go I didn't understand why but now I do and I also got what I need to become a tattoo artist so I am going to start my own tattoo shop.

It's been a couple of months since I escaped and I just got my tattoo shop set up and I am having open interviews and 5 has caught my interest and that's all I need so I hired them and a receptionist that has experience. Since its Friday I told them to start Monday at 9 a.m so I can go over the rules and stuff with them just a little meeting to get to know each other and so I can help getting their area set up.  I told them there is 6 rooms and 6 booths they each have a booth and a room and that my room has my name on the door and booth chair they said ok and they will see me on Monday I said ok. There is 3 guys their names is Tyler he asked to be called ty for short next there is Curtis or curt for short and Blake but he asked to be called ink I asked why he said that a lot of people know him as ink I said ok then there is 2 females and the receptionist  their names are jazmine or jaz for short then there is Cameron or cammi for short and Jessica or Jessi for short she is the receptionist.

After I was done with the interviews I went to the store and got everything I need for the shop like cleaning supplies and snacks and drinks to go in the break room for the employees and I then I took the stuff back to the shop when I got there I seen Ink coming out of the cafe next door and asked if he can help me take the stuff inside which he said sure once we got everything inside I said thank you and he said he had to get back to the clubhouse and he will see me Monday  I asked him what does he me club house he told me that he can't say say anything but I told him his secret will stay between us he said  that he is in and mc called the demons I was like cool and that my mom use to live here in cali and she knew someone from that mc he looked at shocked as hell and he asked me what is my mom's name I said Macy Smith and he ask me if she told me who I only said the president I dont know his name then he asked how long ago I said 20 years he said he would ask his prez if he knew her and ask him if he wanted to come and meet you if I wanted i said sure.

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