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I am sitting at the bar with prez when Kate comes in happy she comes over and told prez not to make any plans for next weekend he ask why she said we have plans with Amberlynn already he just smiled and says ok baby and she said that the doctor's went well and she is 4 in a half months pregnant and the baby is healthy I just said that great with a smile on my face she knows I like her so she laughs at me and shakes her head. While Kate and prez is talking I text my woman.

Me ( hey beautiful how is your day so far)

Amberlynn ( hey it's going great can't wait to hang out tonight 😊😊)

Me ( same here beautiful what time should I head to the shop )

Amberlynn ( about 4:30 will be fine since its already almost 3 what you want for dinner tonight because I am cooking)

Me ( that's fine what about hamburgers and fries and I can pick up everything now and head that way if that's ok )

Amberlynn ( yea that's fine I have fridge in the break room to put everything in just get hamburger meat ranch seasoning Swiss cheese hamburger buns I already got and I already got mayo, mustard,  and ketchup we also need pickles for hamburgers and the fries I already got other seasonings so you dont need to get any and beer if you want beer because I can't drink lol)

Me ( ok I am heading out to the store now see you in few beautiful)

Amberlynn ( ok see and you might want to bring you and overnight just in case you want to stay lol)

Me ( damn beautiful I will lol)

So I went to get my overnight bag and ask prez if i can use one of the extra cars to take to go hang out with Amberlynn he said sure and hand me a key to the SUV and i said thanks he said anytime and I headed out to the SUV and got in and headed to the store I got everything that we needed and I also got snacks like candy, ice cream ,and beer for me and went to check I told the bagger to put the cold stuff together in bags and the snacks together he said ok and did it right I paid and went to the SUV I put the cold stuff together on the seat in the front and the snacks in the back seat then I got in and headed to the tattoo shop since it's 4:15 now when I got to the shop its 4:30 now so I parked and text her.

Me ( I am her beautiful)

Amberlynn ( ok just bring the stuff in I just finishing up a client)

Me ( ok beautiful)

I get out and grabbed the cold stuff and headed in when went inside I seen Ink he was with someone and then I seen cammi and ask where the break room was so she showed me I said thanks and waited on Amberlynn to finish after a few minutes she is done her client came out of the back with putting his shirt on so I looked at the tatt he just got I said damn she did a amazing job  he said thanks and so did she and said I can come back so I did.

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