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We get making love and was cuddling when Amberlynn phone vibrates and she looks at it and then I feel her shaking with fear I asked baby what's wrong and the look on her is of fear and the hands me her phone she got texted from an unknown number saying

Unknown number ( I am coming for you and I will kill you and that baby)

I get up and tell her to get dressed and pack you some clothes and I got dressed while she got dressed and packed after she was done I grabbed her bags and she grabbed her keys and I told her to drive her car and I will follow she said ok and she set the alarm and locked the door after we walked out I put her bags in the car and she got in her car and i got in the SUV and her headed to the clubhouse about 20 minutes later we get there and a prospect is given a hard time not letting her in so I got put and go up to him and tell him that she is with me and to let her in now so he did then we pull up and I park and tell her to park beside me we get out and I  grabbed our bags and her hand and walked in when we walked in we see Kate and the twins and I asked where is prez it's an emergency so she said in his office so I asked if Kate can fix something for Amberlynn to eat while we talk to prez and drop off our bags to my room she said sure and asked Amberlynn what would she like and Amberlynn said soup and grilled cheese please Kate said ok and then me and Amberlynn walked to my room I dropped the bags and we locked my door again and went to the office I knocked and waited for prez to say enter when he did we walked in I said that Amberlynn got a text from an unknown number and I showed him what it said and you can see that he is raging he spoke up to Amberlynn and that she needs to stay here until we can take him down she looked at me and I told her dad that I already knew what he was going to say so I had her to pack some stuff her asked for her phone so he can get twitch to find where is st when his phone went off so he answer I whispered to her to sit so she did

Phone conversation:

A sister chapter ( hey prez )

Prez ( what's up )

Sister chapter ( I have a friend of mine looking for his girlfriend and he knows she is in California and he knows she pregnant and wants her home )

Prez ( so I asked who his friend is he said Jay Mathews and I told him that ain't getting my daughter so he can beat on her and kill her and the baby )

Sister chapter ( what do you mean daughter and beat on her and kill her )

Prez ( I told him everything and how she got pregnant in the first place and he said he will grabbed him and put him in a cell in the basement and you can come and do what you do because I didn't know what he did to her for her to leave I will face time you when I have in the cell so that she can see if it's the right person so I said ok  bye)

Sister chapter ( bye )

After the phone call I told them what was said and she said ok and she needs to feed the baby so we let prez get back to work and walked back to the bar and Kate went to the kitchen and came out with a tray with 2 bowls of soup and grilled cheeses and some ginger ale for Amberlynn and a beer for me we said thank you Kate.

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