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After getting back to the clubhouse prez wanted to talk to me so I went to find him he was in his office doing paperwork I knocked he said come in so I went in and sat down he asked me  how is going between me and Amberlynn and I told him that we are doing great and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her he looked at me and smiled and said that he is happy that it's me instead of some fucker that doesn't give a damn about his daughter and that if I decide to marry her then I have his blessing and that I would make a good father to his grandbaby I said thank you he said that I can go because he had some more papers to do and I said ok and headed to the bar looking for my old lady which she isn't there I see Kate I asked her if she seen her daughter she that Amberlynn said she was tired and went upstairs I said ok thank you so I went to my room and there she was sleeping peacefully so walked inside shut and locked the door and got in next to her and pulled her to me she immediately lays her head on my chest and snuggled closer and hour an half I woke her up so she can eat something for dinner she said thank you babe I asked for what she said she was starving I told her she didn't have to thank me because I have to make sure that my family is taking care of she said I love you and I said I love her too after we eat we took a shower and got ready for bed and cuddle then fell into a peaceful sleep

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