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The next day I told my beautiful woman that I need to talk to prez about something she said ok and that she has to go to the store for something I asked what she wants and I will pick it up on the way back she said some steaks and salad stuff and pickles and peanut butter and cookies and cream icecream please and other stuff that you want for dinner I said ok baby she said I can use her car that way I have somewhere to put the stuff she gave me her keys and I left in her car and headed to the clubhouse when I get the gate the prospect named slim stopped me I rolled down the window so he knows it's me he let's me through and I parked where Amberlynn parks and went inside I see Kate and asked her where is prez at she said in the office I said ok and headed to the office and knocked and waited for him to say come in which he did and I walked in and asked if I could talk to him for a minute he said yea what's up I told him that I wanted to talk about how long did it take you to marry Kate after getting in a relationship he said that they known each other for years before hand but when we got together I just knew that I wanted to make her my wife I dont get me wrong I still loved Amberlynn mother but I didn't see her over 2 years and I didn't know if I ever would again so I took the risk and married Kate with in a year of us getting together he asked why I said I know Amberlynn the one I want to spend the rest of my life with so I wanted to ask you for your blessing to ask her to marry me this weekend I know its early but I can't wait to call her my wife he said that he give me his blessing and that if hurt her he will kill me I said I will never hurt her he asked me when do I want to do it I said at the gender reveal party after the reveal though he said can Kate come in so that we can get it taken care of I said sure so he texted Kate to come to the office after she got there she said what's up did I do something wrong prez said no baby beast just wanted to ask you something for the reveal party she looked at me and asked whats up so I told her that I wanted to propose to Amberlynn after the reveal of our baby so I asked her if you and mel and amy can distract her long enough for me to get down on one knee and then turn her towards me she said she will take care of it with a smile on her face I said thank you to both prez and Kate and got up and said I got to got the store for Amberlynn prez said that's why you drive her car I said yep he said ok and I headed out I got in the car and headed to the store and got everything that she needed and a few other things for dinner and me for the house and went to check out and headed home when I got to the house mel helped me with the groceries I said thanks and Amberlynn put the stuff away that she wasn't using like the icecream and pickles and peanut butter she than she started to marinade the steaks and asked me if I would start the grill in an hour I said sure baby and kissed her she asked why 4 steaks I said I got enough so if mel wants to invite viper she can she said to tell mel that I said ok and went to find mel she was in the living room I said mel she said what's up I told her that if she wanted to invite viper to dinner tonight she can she said ok thank you and called him I then went back to the kitchen to put the beer up but it was already up I asked Amberlynn why would she lifted the beer she said that she took them out of the box and put them in the beer cooler outside that way they can get cold and that while we grilling I dont have to come inside a bunch of times if you and viper want to have guys time I kissed her and went to start the grill.

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