He did a couple of laps around downtown before traveling south and showing up at the nightclub relatively early, at 12 o'clock at night one of the guys at the entrance who already knew him smiled at him.

"Are you coming as Cinderella today?"

He smiled and entered the club with the lights dimmed. Leon was already at the bar, sitting away from the people that normally crowded the bar.

He took off his jacket and stood watching him as he thought about Lucas again. Leon turned and approached him as he stopped in his tracks to look at him closely.

"Numa? What have you done to yourself?"

"Nothing, don't exaggerate. Can I have a drink?"

"Of course." Leon turned to pick up a bottle, he knew what Numa was drinking and looked at him again.

He set the glass down in front of him as he leaned against the counter.

"I know, you realized that with that mummy you couldn't start anything and you came looking for me, didn't you?"


"I know, the ranger, where did you leave him?"

"He didn't come, we're not together anymore," he felt a pang when he said that, but he smiled at him anyway. Leon looked at him uneasily but someone called him from the other end of the bar. Numa turned on the stool to face the dance floor and what if he danced? No, it would be too weird to dance alone, he looked to where the stage was, he could just do it but no. It wasn't a good idea, simply because doing so would make him too sad.

A hand on his head brought him out of his thoughts, Leon was standing next to him.

"You scared me."

"What happened?"

"Nothing... nothing, I don't want to talk about it," he added but it wasn't true, he wanted to tell him everything, he wanted him to tell him that everything was fine, that those kinds of things were temporary. He shook his head, he had to stop acting like a baby.

Leon looked at him for a few moments, now he understood why that way of dressing, why that way of showing himself. He stared at him for a few minutes while he drank his drink and looked concentrated at the dance floor. He had put on dark corduroy pants and wore a relatively tight blue shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest, he had rolled up his sleeves, which only made him look sexy. His hair had been pulled back, perhaps with a bit of gel because otherwise it would be impossible to style it as wavy as it was. He noticed that it was quite long because of a lock of hair that fell over his face, and in his left ear he wore an earring that he has only seen when he danced with Agustín and, he was wearing perfume. He was completely different, he was another guy. 

Numa turned around, he finished his drink.



"Thank you, don't you have to go back to work?"

"Yes, but you don't move from here, we have to talk first, and by the way, if every time you have a fight with him you're going to dress up like that, I don't know..." Leon made a theatrical expression, which made Numa smiled.

Leon looked at him and somehow felt that it was a forced smile.

A voice broke the silence that enveloped Numa's thoughts, he turned when he heard the name, a blonde boy of medium height sat on the sidewalk and was smiling provocatively at the bartender. Numa watched him for a few moments, the young man noticed the look, turned and looked at him evidently annoyed.

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