That Friday there were so many people, it was almost like a Saturday. And he was planning to call Numa to invite him to have a drink, of course Lucas would come too. Well, he didn't dislike the idea either.

Halfway someone hugged him from behind. He turned around to find the blondie, who threw his arms around his neck. His soft voice whispered to him.

"This time you are not getting away from me."

He pulled him down a little and kissed his lips, Leon had every intention of pulling him off but when he started kissing him he changed his mind, not only was he very cute but he smelled incredibly good. He took him by the back of the neck to deepen the kiss even more. He felt his warm body tighten against hims, he felt it small and exciting. By the time he realized he was against a wall. The boy was quite a good kisser. He took that face in his hands and broke the kiss slowly. The boy let out a sigh.

"I told you no. Besides, you're a virgin..."

The blonde boy smiled mischievously.

"Nope, not anymore..."

Leon looked at him evidently surprised.

"You didn't think I'd be a virgin forever, did you?"

Leon shook his head, did he? No, surely not.

"Hey... I... you're too young for me, really."

The blonde let out a whimper in protest.

"Damn, it is not like I am proposing to you! I like you, you turn me on, I want to have fun with you, that's all. I'm not going to eat you up. After all, I'm only 16 years old."

Leon looked at him smiling.

"What's your name?"


Leon kissed him again on the lips and could have sworn he intended to leave him there and think about it but before he could cut the kiss that against his will had become too intimate and hot, he found himself pressing him against the wall, letting his hands run up and down him. That blondie was turning him on. He released him almost without warning.

"I have to get back to work, see you later."

Julen's face was one of total triumph, if he had made it at all. He was going to end up sleeping with a 16 year old boy, of course the boy named Julen was to commit all possible sins. Resigned to his own desires, he returned to the bar.


When he arrived at his classmate's place, there were other 3 boys, who were also from his class. He needed to just be with neutral people, he didn't want to keep thinking about the same things over and over again. The guys seemed to be doing a lot of grooming which caught his attention. After 5 minutes he found out that they were going to a nightclub.

To a straight place naturally, what would he do there? He laughed. Well, have fun with his friends and maybe pick up some girls that could be his sisters because he liked girls as much as statues. His classmate lends him one of his t-shirts since the shirts didn't fit him since he had a wide back, and his usual jeans. The truth is that he didn't look too bad. He tried to cheer up a little and convince himself that he was not running away from problems, just taking a bit of distance. Sometimes it was the best thing to do, since he didn't want to keep thinking about anything, much less about anyone. He was so absorbed in the thoughts he didn't want to have that by the time he realized they already arrived, the nightclub was located in a central area and very busy area and apparently it was full to capacity. The guys seemed to know almost all the girls who were going because they were already talking about a group to see and which girl they were looking forward to meet again and who would they introduce to Numa. He smiled under his breath, "yes, a girl to play UNO" How ironic, he was in one of the places he hated the most, where he did not feel comfortable, like a fish out of water. There they were all different and everyone was looking for things very different from what he was looking for.

First they went to the bar.

"Hey Numa, what about your girlfriend?"

Good question, thought Numa as he sipped his beer.

"We're not together anymore."

"Ah, when did you break up?"

"Yesterday," the answer came automatically without thinking.

Everyone looked at him a bit worried.

"Well mate, this is your night. Let's have fun, surely your ex didn't stay home today."

And one of the boys pushed him onto the dance floor while dancing with him. Numa laughed in amusement, the boy moved pretty well, what would he be like in bed? He put that thought out of his mind, that boy was straight and he wasn't interested in him either, but looking around him, what he was facing didn't seem very encouraging.

Finally they located the group of girls they were looking for and dragged him towards them.

There were 5 girls, all very nice and one of them immediately fixed her eyes on Numa although he not only didn't notice her but didn't even realize she existed. He had drunk a couple of beers, was cheerful and was just dancing. One of the guys explained to the group that he ended a long relationship the day before and that he was not feeling very well.

Numa turned his eyes to the group, he didn't want to act antisocial so he tried to do his best, trying to dance with all the girls equally. Two of them disappeared with two of the boys and only the other 3 girls and Numa were left with 3 partners. It seemed to him that he was left over so with the excuse of going to the bathroom he slipped to the other end of the disco to drink the cocktail  ordered last. He looked at the people for a moment and thought again irremediably of Lucas and realized he felt alone, and oblivious to everything around him. He leaned against a wall to drink his glass.

"Hello" it was a voice that sounded familiar. He turned around, it was one of the girls of the group looking at him, a dark-haired girl with dark brown eyes.

"What are you doing here alone?" she asked him, smiling sweetly.

"I didn't want to bother, and I don't feel like playing the third wheel"

"Hahaha, actually only the two who left have something, the rest of us don't." She took him by the hand and pulled him "Come on, let's dance."


"I don't want to hear anything... let's go."

They were already inside the dance floor, they lingered there until the lights dimmed and they played a relatively slow song for the couples. Numa made an attempt to return but the young woman took him by the hand.

Before he could say anything, the young woman hugged him around the waist and pressed herself against him. Numa didn't know what to do, so he simply hugged her. It was a comforting sensation to feel the warmth of another body pressed against his and it reminded him again of Lucas. And he felt bad because it wasn't exactly what he should be thinking about. It was as if he was cheating on the poor girl. The young woman separated a little from him and ran a hand over his face, brushed his hair away from his face and slowly pulled him closer to kiss him on the lips. Numa tried not to be rough with her, but before he could react they were kissing.

It was a strange sensation, he never kissed a girl before and always thought that it would disgust him, but nothing was further from the truth. It was not disgusting, it was normal, it was a simple kiss, like all of them, it was just that this kiss did not arouse him, didn't provoke anything, it was like when he kissed his best friend only this time there was not even that strong bond of friendship in between. He took advantage of the moment to embrace her and kiss her back but then gently but firmly pushed her away. He pressed his forehead to hers while he caressed that face, her face was so sweet, and dark brown eyes almost black like Lucas'.

"I'm sorry. "

The girl nodded silently, Numa smiled at her and left the dance floor and the nightclub, and sat on the side to wait in the cold night until his companions left.

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