My knuckles were covered in blood, my mind flashing back to all the times he sent me to the hospital damn near paralyzed. All the times I had to tell the frightened doctors that I was thrown off my bike or fell down the stairs, because I couldn't tell them my father, the Mafia boss, was an alcoholic who beat me.

Years and years of enduring the pain caused by the hands of my father taught me how to tolerate pain.

I could no longer feel the bones cracking in my hands as I pummeled him with outraged fists.

When my sister was born, I decided from that day forward that no matter how many times he beat me black and blue, I will always be there to protect my family.

Mateo's cries yanked me out of thoughts of the past, the infant's chubby little hands and arms reaching out for me.

"Da-da!" He called out as Sienna handed him to me.

Holding him in my arms, I used my thumb to gently wipe away his tears. He began to settle down, his fingers gripping at my black dress shirt and his eyes beginning to close.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up at Sienna and nodded. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I was trying to get your attention, but-"

"I said I'm fine!" I blurted out, causing her to flinch where she stood. Turning to leave my office, I called out to her, feeling shitty for projecting my issues onto her. "Sienna, wait!" She stopped in the doorway, slowly turning around to look at me. "I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

When my father arrived, that was the one time I had been relieved that Sienna had run away with Mateo.

At the time, I didn't know which father I would be getting. Thankfully, she hadn't been here to see what kind of a monster he becomes when he consumes liquor.

I was afraid I wouldn't see her again, but believed it to be safer where she was. It wasn't until a moment later that I found out where she had gone.

My intention had been to go after her as soon as I found out her location. But then my father showed up. So I sent two of my men to keep an eye on them instead.

For five months, I was unable to see my family. It had been pure hell. And it had caused me more pain than every beating I have ever received from my father.

"Like what?" She asked, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs before me.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

"How am I supposed to help you when you don't tell me anything?"

"I don't need your help, nor have I ever asked for it," I retorted.

She sighed, a hint of irritation laced in her tone. "I still know nothing about you."

And for good reason.

I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to know as much about me as I knew about her. And I knew everything about her. From her blood type down to every place she's ever worked and or lived in. I know about every person she's come in contact with since the day she could talk.

There isn't a single thing I don't know about her. And I'm sure she knew that, which is why she's so determined to pry into a life I've tried so hard to forget.

"Why won't you open up to me?"

"Because there is nothing to 'open up' about. My past will remain in the past where it belongs. And that all you need to know is that I will always be here for you and our son."

"Could've fooled me," she muttered.

Having been watching my son sleep, I looked up at her, becoming frustrated with her constant need to interrogate me. She knows just how to push my buttons. And none of the good ones.

Where are my cigars?

I opened my drawer with my free hand, huffing in annoyance when I realized I had no more and was going to need to have another batch imported.

Closing the drawer, I focused my attention back on her. "I'm not going to tell you more than you need to know. So tell me, what is it you want? Money? Sex? Do you want me to take you shopping? Hell, I'll even give you another child if it will get you to hop off my dick."

"I'm not one your baldracca(whores), Tristan!" She shouted, raising her voice and standing up while doing so. "I'm not someone who can be bought!"

"Lower your voice," I snarled, reminding her that Mateo was still asleep.

She huffed, plopping down in her seat and crossing her arms. "You want to do something for me, then take me out. And I don't mean at another nightclub with your Mafia boys. I need a break from this suffocating ass prison."

"I don't date, Sienna."

She rolled her eyes, scoffing. "You men are all the same. You expect us women to just give it up at your leisure, but your undeserving asses don't even appreciate us." She stood back up, putting her hands on the table and leaning in. "The next time you want this pussy, you're going to have to earn it."

I raised my brow, amused and turned on as hell. No woman has ever talked to me like that. And truthfully, I find it to be rather riveting.

"Challenge accepted, mia cara(my dear)."

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