"You look pretty young but you look mighty fancy. Do you work around here?" He asked me. I glanced down at myself. "Oh thank you. I'm actually looking for a job. I just came from an interview" I explained my appearance. "OH. Those can be hard to come by" he smiled sadly.

"Peter, can I ask what brought on your situation? I understand if you'd rather not discuss personal-" He didn't let me finish. "I'll tell ya" he paused to shove a mouth full of pasta so I waited.

        I couldn't help but notice the smooth movements of the suited man. He moved with finesse. His hand had paused as he skimmed the different bottles and when he found the one he liked he grabbed it and twisted the cap before pouring about a two finger pours worth of whiskey.

Upon a better look at him I could see his full dark hair was long enough to be tousled up top, but styled more tapered at the sides so he could keep it tame and styled.

Something told me 'tame' wasn't an adjective to use in regards to this man. Not that he had done anything for me to warrant that thought. He's barely spoken and he moved with no urgency, but still I felt 'tame' just wasn't it. He looks the way an expensive whiskey must taste. Smoky finish, smooth to swallow.

The tailored suit of a respected businessman but the finesse of...something a shade darker than that. His beautiful Italian skin is obvious to me now.

        "When I was 51, this was a few years back...I got hurt on the job. I didn't really have insurance. I was kind of working for a guy who was working for a guy. Anyway, it was my knee and it was busted, bad. I went to shitty healthcare physicians who work for the state and they just threw some pills at me to get me to go away. Thing is...I really was in a lot of pain, so they filled and refilled my prescription. You following hunny?"

"Oh no, they just pumped you full of drugs and didn't give you a second glance, did they?" I was catching on. "I got addicted" he sighed. He looked back down at his plate and finished his meal. He must've been really hungry because he devoured his dish when I wasn't even halfway done with mine.

I noticed the suited man was still behind the bar, facing away from us, looking at some book, maybe for his brother's restaurant. He ignored us.

        "And how are you coping now?" I leaned my elbow on the high counter of the mahogany bar, genuinely curious. Concerned even. "They've got that suboxone clinic down by Sullivan Square. I'm trying to lean off the pills. Do you know what suboxone is?" He tipped his greasy head at me.
I nodded, "It can treat narcotic dependence."

I felt rude focusing on my food when he was telling me such personal things so I kept eye contact and paused with my fork in my hand.

"I've got daughters. Older than you I am sure but I gotta get my life right. They won't speak to me while I am homeless and drug addicted. They've made that clear. I don't blame Sammi, she's got the baby" he shook his head.

"Peter, I know I am just a stranger eating pasta with you but I truly believe that you have a good heart and the capability to rehabilitate yourself. If not for your own sake than for your grandbabies sake. I adored my grandfather" I smiled fondly at the memory.

        He released a breath through his thin lips that flapped. "A stranger? I think I met an angel" he gave me a genuine smile. "Well, if I am your guardian angel then you better listen to me. Get clean, get your family back, and usually if you're getting clean through the state they offer some programs to help you find employment or disability if you are still unwell with your knee and everything."

He nodded like he already knew. "You're a good girl, Kat. Don't let this world eat you alive" he told me, or warned me. "Sir...thank ya for the meal" he tried getting the suited man's attention. He turned slightly to glance at Peter and again he gave that curt nod. Completely disinterested.

"Thank you, you have no idea what a friendly smile and a nice conversation can do for a person. God bless you" he told me, and stood up. I realized he was meaning to leave. I felt odd just lingering to stuff my face of food so I stood too. "Bye Peter" I called after him but I was trying to tuck the stool in.

        "Eat" the suited man ordered me. I furrowed my brows at him though my pulse picks up every time his handsome face looks my way. "You're awfully bossy" I told him, but I was already pulling the stool back out to finish my food. I really wanted to eat. "And you're very chatty," he replied. My cheeks tinted pink at his retort.

"People were ignoring him in the street. Like he wasn't even a person. That's why we were chatting..." I oddly defended myself. What the heck should I care what this man thinks? He was kind enough to offer a homeless man a meal so I will give him a little credit but still.

        "He would've used your little dollars to buy drugs or liquor. Guaranteed" he spoke in his gruff tone, yet he could make his tempo sound so disinterested. It made me self conscious like I was boring him to death.

I watched as he fixed the cufflinks on the end of his sleeve before his blue eyes went back up to mine. I darted my eyes down to my plate and took another bite. "Well...you don't know for sure" I tried defending Peter.

"You aren't from the city" he stated more so than he asked a question. I shook my head.
"Then listen to Peter. Don't let them eat you alive, because sweetheart," he leaned both hands on the bar and stared down at me, "there are bad people everywhere. And your kind little heart is gonna be crushed under the feet of people who will take advantage of your kindness." He lectured me.

Sure he looked slightly older but not enough to warrant this lecture.

      "You were kind. Did we take advantage of you?" I asked him to mute his point. "I'm not kind" he deadpanned. This man was tall, very tall, so even with me sitting on a high stool he still looked down on me. Especially with the way his two hands were still flat on the counter in front of me.

He has sexy man hands. You know the kind. Clean cut nails but veined, leading up to, and under the sleeve that hid the rest of his corded muscles from me.

"Then why'd you feed us?" I really wanted to win this challenge I felt he was setting up for me. He doesn't look like someone who likes to be wrong. He looked down at me and instead of answering he just licked his lips. Something about the gesture made heat creep up my neck and down my gut.

I couldn't stand the silence. It felt like the air had thickened to the point of suffocating me. Christ, did it get hot in here?

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