"Fine cuisine?", Juliet asks.

"My watch must be wrong. No, it's fine. It's weird.", The Doctor mutters.

"That's what comes of showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was.", Rose laughs.

"My history's perfect."

"Well, obviously not."

"Oi! Stop ganging up on me.", The Doctor cries as the girls laugh.

"They're all human. What about the millions of planets, the millions of species? Where are they?", Adam changes the subject.

"Good question. Actually, that is a good question. Adam, me old mate, you must be starving."

"No, I'm just a bit time sick.", He shakes his head.

"No, you just need a bit of grub. Oi, mate - how much is a kronkburger?", The Doctor turns to talk to the chef.

"Two credits twenty, sweetheart. Now join the queue."

"Money. We need money. Let's use a cashpoint."

"Attention all staff. All coverage of the Glasgow water riots being transferred five through nine.", An announcement is heard over the intercom.

The Doctor goes to a Credit Five cashpoint and does something clever with his sonic screwdriver. It produces a plastic card which the Doctor hands to Adam.

"There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets."

"How does it work?", Adam asks.

"Go and find out. Stop nagging me. The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me? Stop asking questions, go and do it. Off you go, then. Your first date."

"You're going to get a smack, you are.", Rose warns him slightly nodding at Juliet's less than amused face.

Rose, Juliet and Adam leave the Doctor, who approaches a pair of smartly dressed young women.

"Er, this is going to sound daft, but can you tell me where I am?", He says to them.

"Floor One Three Nine. Could they write it any bigger?", One of them laughs.

"Floor one three nine of what?", He presses further.

"Must've been a hell of a party.", The first woman mutters.

"You're on Satellite Five.", The other woman answers his question.

"What's Satellite Five?"

"Come on, how could you get on board without knowing where you are?", The first woman scoffs.

"Look at me. I'm stupid."

"Hold on, wait a minute. Are you a test? Some sort of management test kind of thing?", The nice woman is suddenly nervous.

"You've got me. Well done. You're too clever for me.", He grins.

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