"You didn't know.", Juliet says to her, grabbing her hand.

"I've sealed the compartment. It can't get out, that lock's got a billion combinations."

"A Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat."
And that is precisely what the Dalek uses its sucker to do.

"Open fire!", Bywater orders.
"Don't shoot it! I want it unharmed.", Van Satten seethes.

"Rose, Juliet get out of there!", The Doctor exclaims.
"De Maggio, take the civilians and get them out alive. That is your job, got that?"

The woman guard obeys.

"You, with me.", She says to Adam, Juliet and Rose.
The Dalek glides up to the wall monitor and smashes it, absorbing the electricity. It's battered armour starts to mend, turning from brown to golden.

"Abandoning the Cage, sir.", Bywater says.
"We're losing power. It's draining the base. Oh, my God. It's draining entire power supplies for the whole of Utah.", Goddard cries.

"It's downloading.", The Doctor concludes.

"Downloading what?"

"Sir, the entire West Coast has gone down."

"It's not just energy. That Dalek just absorbed the entire internet. It knows everything."
"The Daleks survive in me!", The Dalek squeals.

The Dalek uses its weapon on its surroundings.
"The cameras in the vault have gone down.", Goddard informs Van Satten.

"We've only got emergency power. It's eaten everything else. You've got to kill it now!", The Doctor pleads.

"All guards to converge in the Metaltron cage, immediately.", Goddard orders.
"Civilians! Let them through!", De Maggio shouts.

Rose, Juliet and Adam, and de Maggio, run through the incoming phalanx of guards.

"Cover the north wall. Red division, maintain suppressing fire along the perimeter. Blue division argh!", Bywater cries out in pain.

The guard dies the traditional extermination death, by turning black and white and having his skeleton exposed. The guards open fire, but the Dalek just absorbs the bullets. It kills another man. More guards come up behind it, so it swivels its eyepiece around then its middle section turns to open fire on them. Back and forward it alternates, killing someone each time.
"Tell them to stop shooting at it.", Van Satten whines.

"But it's killing them!", Goddard exclaims.

" They're dispensable. That Dalek is unique. I don't want a scratch on its bodywork, do you hear me? Do you hear me?"

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