Chapter 39

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Nina was numb throughout after she had taken the stand. She had to look at Tom to confirm to the jury and judge that he was the man who had abused her right after she had told her side of the story. The accused's lawyer had badgered her and tried to break her but she had stayed strong as Jensen had taught her. She hadn't heard the verdict but had been made aware of it when Jensen hugged her and the court was dismissed. Gina and Nina had hugged her with smiles, only then had she known what Tom's fate was.

When they all stepped outside the court room and they took Tom away, she looked right in his eyes as he walked past her in cuffs not feeling any of those emotions he had let her feel before. She wasn't afraid of him, he couldn't do anything to her and even if he could, she wouldn't be afraid for she wasn't going to be that weak girl she had been. She wasn't going to let anyone trample on her ever again and make her feel weak, unwanted and useless. She was going to be her own woman and not depend on a man for anything.

"Are you ok?" Gina asked beside her.

Nina nodded.
"I'm fine now."

"Let's get you home." Gina said.

"I need to get my mind off all of this." Nina said.

"Alright honey." Gina said. "We'll let you be."

"Actually, I was thinking of going back to work with you." She said to Catherine.

"If you're sure." Catherine said.

Nina smiled and nodded.
"I am."

Dana arrived at Kaylie's apartment that afternoon to be jumped by an excited Lily.

"You wouldn't believe what I have for you."

Dana set the bag of groceries in the kitchen with Lily hot on her tail.

"Well Kaylie had a hunch on who your step-sister was and she followed that lead and found her and I called in a favour with Cooper to get his friend get an address for you."

"Cooper?" Dana looked at her.

Lily smiled.
"I'm not going back Dana, you don't need to be worried." She said. "As I was saying, Kaylie got the names and I got the address."

"You got an address for Gina and Catherine?"

Lily smiled.

Dana sighed.
"Are you sure?"

Lily watched her for a moment.
"You don't seem excited."

"I just didn't expect to find them so soon. I thought it'd take a couple of months and it seems Kaylie knows my supposed step-sister. It's all just..." She sighed.

"Happening really fast." Lily completed for her.

"Yea." Dana said.

"Well, if you want to wait, it's up to you. But I think life is giving you more time to spend with your sister. So, you get this over with, get to know your sister now rather than later and regret not having to have known her sooner." She paused. "It's all up to you."

Dana looked at her friend for a moment and sighed.
"When did you get so smart?"

"I've always been smart, I've just been indisposed over the years but I'm back, not completely but soon."

Dana smiled happy that Lily was serious about getting clean and turning her life around this time. It was just sad that she decided to do this after she lost another important person in her life.
"Did I tell you how proud of you I am?" Dana asked.

Lily smiled.
"Not lately, no."

"Well I am, very proud."

Lily moved from behind the counter and went around and hugged Dana.
"I'm damn lucky to have you in my life."

"I'm the one who's lucky." Dana squeezed Lily. "Before Kaylie, you were the only one who wanted to hang around me."

"And Owen, let's not forget him." Lily smiled.

"And Owen."

"Dude still has the hots for you."

Dana frowned.
"What are you talking about?"

"Like you don't already know." Lily went back to her spot in front of the kitchen counter. She then looked up and saw Dana's confused expression. "Oh my goodness, you don't know."

"What are you talking about?"

Lily sighed.
"I love you Dana but I can't say anything else, I've already said too much."

Dana sighed and let it go, when Lily said no, there was no getting it out of her.
"Fine, I'll ask Owen myself."

Lily laughed.
"I think you should ask him after you're divorced and after you've dealt with meeting your sister. You have a lot on your plate."

Dana nodded.
"Yea." She looked up at Lily. "You do too, you have till tomorrow before you go into rehab."

Lily sighed.
"Yea and as much as I hate it in there, I know I have to do this for myself...and for Cheryl."

Dana smiled.
"I am damned proud of you."

"Dana Young just cursed!" Lily said with wide eyes.

"Dana Reed please." She smiled. "I'd much prefer if I could borrow your surname till I decide to get married."

"That bad?"

"I just wish he could see what he's done all these years, not just to me but to Catherine and her mum."

"He'll come around."

"I sure hope so." Dana said. "So, Owen?"

Lily laughed.
"Nice try."

Ian had been in Seattle for almost a week and had been working for three. He had been dying to reach out to Catherine but wanted to get settled in before he reached out. He had gotten her home address and was going to see her on Saturday if she didn't accept his calls before then. He was more excited than nervous but he was also scared that she would have moved on which was unlikely but a definite possibility.

He and Catherine had a connection he hadn't had with anyone not even his ex-fiancé whom Catherine knew about. Asides Liam – his ex-partner, Catherine was the only one that knew him more than anyone. He always kept people at arms-length because he had lost the only person he knew growing up, his mum. She had been his protector and he hadn't been able to save her. His ex-fiancé had left him claiming that he wasn't opening up like he had said he would. With Catherine, it was easy to open up. He didn't have to think too hard about it before the words came pouring out which was why he had avoided her the first few months she arrived at Bell Gardens. She was God sent and he wasn't going to lose her, not for the second time.

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