Chapter 18

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Nina woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the white curtain. She felt something she hadn't felt in so long; peace. She didn't have to worry about Tom being home or being away. She didn't have to worry about him, period. She was coming to terms with what she'd been through and every time it still chilled her to her bones. It was like she was thinking of some else's story, not hers. It was hard to imagine herself in the position she had been in and ignored for so long. She felt sick with herself for taking it for that long and doing nothing about it. She felt dirty; physically, drained; emotionally and like a coward. She felt sick with herself for taking it for that long and doing nothing about it. She felt dirty; physically, drained; emotionally and like a coward.

She laid on her side, hands curled beneath her face as she stared into space. She was more than grateful to Gina for helping her see what was right in front of her. What she had been ignoring. The thought of the last night she spent in Tom's apartment still haunted her, she hadn't stopped taking the sleeping pills Lucas had put her on since she was admitted into the hospital. She was scared if she didn't, she'd relive the entire thing, like her thoughts weren't enough to get her skin crawling, add in a souvenir.

A knock made her turn towards the door.
"Come in." Gina walked in with a smile and a tray balanced perfectly on one hand.

Nina sat up from the bed with a gentle smile on her face at the woman that had helped her more than she could possibly know.
"Good morning Gina."

"Morning Honey." She walked to her side and placed her breakfast on her lap. "I came in a while ago and saw you turning in your sleep; bad dreams?"

"Not at all." Nina shook her head. "I had the best sleep I've had in so long."

"That's good. You need more of that and this." She referred to the food. "Now you eat up and go back to sleep, I'll be a room away if you need me."

"But we have to get to work."

"Oh no! You aren't going near Marco's for a few weeks. I've gotten us that much time off, so don't worry."

"You don't have to stay back because of me."

"I know I don't have to but I want to." Gina smiled at her. "You aren't going to be alone not for one second, not until I'm sure you'd want to."

Nina smiled at her.

"Eat up."

Nina picked up the orange juice and took a sip before she dug into the scrambled eggs.

"Good girl." Gina smoothed her hair down before she left her room.

Kaylie was up early that morning putting her ideas into programs after getting most of the logical part figured out the day before. The app she was creating was very user friendly which was her main goal; to get anyone to use the app without breaking a sweat and even actually enjoying it in the process. The app took in user's basic information, gender, social media usernames. If the user had an idea of what they wanted from Ground Up, then they were directly referred to someone who would put their building plans into the works; they decide of they want to move on with Ground Up for the actual development from the sample of the building plans made; if so, then they're directed to Ground Up contractors who gets permission from Alex to get things started.

If the user doesn't have any idea what they want in mind, the app gets the user's social media footprint, that is the user's social media trails, things they've posted, things they liked and every information they've put out there into the internet. The app combines that information and a few building plans are created for them based on the information out of which the user is likely to like one at least and all at most. She was going to try it out on someone after she was done creating it, since Lily wasn't staying with her anymore, the only other person was Dana.

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