Chapter 37

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That evening when Kaylie arrived home, she called to inform Dana and Dana drove Lily there.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Kaylie asked Lily when she opened the apartment door to them.

"Better than I deserve." Kaylie hugged Lily before they all walked inside.

"I might join in after tonight."

"What's happening tonight?" Kaylie asked.

Lily fell into the sofa.
"Oh, she's telling Kevin she wants a divorce, I wish I could be there but then they would argue about me being there and not the pending divorce."

"You're divorcing him?" Kaylie asked


"Well, it's about time."

Lily laughed.
"Hear that Dana, everyone but you saw what was actually happening in your marriage except you."

"I'm just glad to be taking this step. I have a lot to deal with."

"Let's not forget searching for your sister."

"You have a sister?" Kaylie asked Dana.

"Half-sister, yes." She let out a sigh.

"A lot has happened since you left on Sunday."

"I'm figuring that now." Kaylie said.

"I need to find her."

"You got a name, right?"

"Gina and Catherine Summers."

Kaylie's mouth was left hanging.
"I'm sorry did you say Catherine Summers?"

"Yea." Dana said and Lily noticed the look on Kaylie's face as Dana's phone rang.

"Excuse me." Dana said as she picked up the call. "Kevin?" Pause. "I'm on my way." She hung up.

"The hubby calling you back home?" Lily asked.

Dana rolled her eyes at her.
"I'll see you ladies once I'm out of the woods."

"Alright." "Goodluck." Kaylie and Lily said as Dana left the apartment.

"Spill." Lily said once Dana was out of the apartment.

Kaylie looked at her with a frown.

"You know something about Dana's half-sister."

Kaylie sighed.
"There's this waitress at Marco's, I noticed the resemblance between her and Dana one time and her name happens to be Catherine and her mum's name Gina."

"Then, that has to be them, definitely."

"I don't know their last name." Kaylie said.

"You go to Marco's every day, right?"


"Well ask her."

"Yea, that totally wouldn't seem like I'm stalking her."

"Well it's that or hiring a PI to find them."

Kaylie sighed.
"I'll do it."

"Good." Lily smiled. "I hope Dana will handle things with Kevin alright."

Kaylie sighed when she thought about her day.
Eric wanted to talk to Richard about the app but he hadn't been in today, so tomorrow she was going to have to deal with everything. She had told Eric not to do it but he wouldn't sign with RevTech until 'justice had been served'.

Dana walked inside the house.
"Kevin?" She dropped her keys into the bowl and waited for him.

"Hey, where were you?"

"I had to drop Lily off at Kaylie's." She didn't miss the look of disgust on his face. "We need to talk."

"You said that when you left a voicemail. What's so important?" He smiled as he took a seat while she stood.

Dana looked down at him.
"I'm buying a building to start my business." She said. "I'm thinking of selling my cookies and cupcakes and maybe more things along the way."

"Cookies and Cupcakes, you're kidding me."

"No, I'm not. I'm very serious actually, I already a lot of ideas for my business and I've wasted a lot of time listening to you and my dad when I should have been acting."

"You can't do this Dana, I can't and won't support it."

Dana paused.
"See, that's the problem. You think you get the final say in my life, but you don't. At least not anymore."

Kevin stared at her, shocked.

"I want a divorce." She said.

That made him do a double take.
"I'm sorry, what?"

"I want a divorce and I'm not asking for your permission because the papers are being processed as we speak and you and your lawyer will have a copy latest by tomorrow evening."

"What has gotten into you?"

"I think the question should be 'What has gotten out of me?'" She said. "And the answer to that would be 'care'. Because I'm done caring about getting approval from you or my dad. I'm done caring what you think of me or my dreams of the future. I'm done caring if you think I'm good enough or not because only my opinion about myself matters and I say 'I'm fucking good enough', way better than you and think I am." She paused. "Both of you have underestimated me for far too long and I just can't take anymore of it. I've reached my limit and I'm taking charge of my life."

Kevin was shocked to speechlessness.

"I got married to you because of an ultimatum my dad gave me and you got married to me because being categorized in the same headline as my dad was good for business. But I hoped deep inside that I would fall in love with you along the way and that didn't happen and I'm not surprised because you're just like my dad – arrogant and ignorant. You've shoved me and my dreams in a corner and only brought me out when you needed me but not anymore. I am my own woman and I will not be controlled by you or any other man."

Kevin blinked.
"I-I had no idea you felt that way."

That made Dana do a double take.

"I wasn't aware that you felt way, if only I had paid more attention, I would have been able to see what you really needed."

"Now you know, there's no need to pay more attention. This marriage has been doomed from the start. We both want different things in life and I can't be with you anymore than you want to be with me for the wrong reasons."

Kevin sighed.
"I'm happy that you're doing what you've always wanted. Your cookies and cupcakes are amazing and would do great."

She smiled a small smile

"I'll sign the divorce papers and give you anything you want."

"I don't want anything Kevin."

"If you do, I will give them to you." He said. "And I'm sorry."

Dana shook her head.
"We both deserve someone who loves and whom we love in return."

He nodded.
"I'll stay out tonight." He got up from the sofa.

"You don't have to. I can use the guestroom."

He smiled.
"Even if I wanted to stay, I should be the one in the guestroom, not you." He walked to her. "Goodluck Dana." He kissed her forehead, grabbed his keys and left in nothing but a sweatshirt and pants which was the first for him.

Dana stood there for a moment before she fell into the sofa surprised at how things turned out.

Kevin still had hope yet.

For that, she was glad.

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