Chapter 8

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Kaylie walked Alex and Sarah out of the meeting room with Sebastian right next to her.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you both come up with."

"I assure you; we won't disappoint you." Sebastian said as he reached out to shake Alex's hand which Alex took politely.

"It was nice to meet you Kaylie Patterson." Alex said the second Sebastian was out of sight.

She smiled politely.
"Same here."

"Kay?" Sarah called and she looked down at the little girl clutching her dad's leg. "Am I gonna see you again?"

"Uh..." Kaylie looked from Sarah to Alex and back. "...if your dad brings you on our next meeting."

Sarah rolled her eyes in the cutest way possible.
"What about before that?"

Kaylie opened her mouth but Sarah continued.

"My birthday is coming up and I'm having a party with all my friends later this week, would you like to come?"

Kaylie didn't know what to say, she didn't want things to get personal with her client but she didn't want to say no and break the little girl's heart.

"Dad?!" Sarah looked up to her dad when Kaylie took time to give her answer. "Please invite Kay to my birthday party."

Alex who hadn't been able to deny his little girl anything sighed and looked from her to the woman in question.
"If it's not too much to ask, would you attend her party?"

"I would love to but..."

"Yay." Sarah jumped happily as she wrapped her hands around Kaylie's legs in an attempt to hug her. "Thank you, thank you."

Kaylie sighed as the little girl ran off chanting Florence's name to tell her the exciting news. Alex just smiled after her.

"She is one smart girl." Kaylie didn't know is she mad at the girl's little trick or impressed.

"That she is." Kaylie looked at him. "But I'm glad she invited you."

Kaylie frowned confused.

Alex smiled at her but this time it wasn't the polite smile he had throughout the meeting, this one panty dropping.
"I'll see you later this week Kaylie Patterson."

Alex brushed past her. She turned around to watch him go and sighed when he was finally out of sight.

"Stooping low to get the client to like you." She jumped when she heard Sebastian's voice behind her. "That's really low especially for you."

"I don't need anyone to like me to get to where I have to be." She said. "That's your thing." She walked away from him as the wheels in her head started spinning on ideas for the app she had to create for Ground Up.

Dana sat in the living room with the t.v. on. She was getting bored of sitting in doing nothing. Last night she had waited for Kevin to get back home to talk to him about a few things she was thinking of doing but he had come home so late, she was asleep by then and he was out of the doors so early. She scrolled past another channel and her phone rang beside her.

She smiled at the user ID.

"Hey, I'm at the apartment." She said

"Ok." Dana waited for the gist.

"I need help packing my things."

"Oh." Dana sat up. "You're packing right now?"

"That's what I said." Lily said

"Kaylie isn't home?" Dana knew the answer to the question but she asked anyway.

"It's a work day Dana."

"Of course."

"So, are you coming to help or should I call someone else?"

Someone else meaning Cheryl.

"No." Dana got up from the sofa and put on her shoes. "I'll be right there."

Dana grabbed her bag and keys and was out of the door and driving to Kaylie's and Lily's apartment.

Lily opened the door to Dana thirty minutes later.

"Hey." Dana hugged Lily. "I didn't know you were planning on leaving this soon."

"Yea, well, I didn't think so too." Lily said "But, I really want to move in with Cheryl and as much as I love wearing her clothes and using most of her stuff, I need mine."

Dana nodded not wanting to say anything.

"Besides, I've been sharing the rent with Kaylie, I don't see how that's sensible since I'm barely ever here."

"Of course." Dana glanced around the space with boxes here and there. "You have a lot of stuff."

"Tell me about it."

Dana glanced around to see what she could help with.

"You can start in my bedroom, I'll wrap these boxes and join you in there." Dana made her way to her bedroom and looked around the dark room. Lily had repainted when she moved in. She hated the bright colour it was painted and went for black with a touch of grey here and there.

Dana walked to the almost empty table and stared at the framed picture. Slowly, she reached and picked it up bringing it closer to study. Lily seemed so happy in the picture with her family. Dana could remember taking the picture the day her parents had visited; the last time they had visited. Lily had been so happy to spend the entire day with them and when it was time for them to leave, she'd been really sad but glad they had come to surprise her.

"What are you doing?" Dana jerked when Lily snuck up on her.

"Just looking at the picture."

Lily gave her a look that she knew all too well; she didn't want to go there. She never did, that was the problem. If she could just talk about her feelings with her, or anyone else, Dana knew she'd be able to heal which she thought was way better than drowning out and blocking everything out.

"That's going in that box." Lily pointed to the box at the farthest corner in the room.

Dana walked there and placed the picture inside, ignoring the other sentimental things that were there. She was locking these ones away, Dana just knew.

It took them a couple of hours to get the rest of the things into the box and down to Cheryl's car which Lily had driven.

"Are you sure about doing this?" Dana asked again.

Lily turned to her as she shut the back door.
"I am." She smiled. "This isn't any different. I'm not leaving town, just going to be a few minutes farther from you."

Dana sighed.
"Ok." She hugged her. "Just call me if you need anything."


"Promise me."

Lily pulled back.
"I promise."

Dana smiled and stepped back and watched as Lily got into the car and drove off. Her chest tightened; she had a bad feeling about this.

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