Chapter 14

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Catherine woke with a jolt; it took her a moment to take in her surrounding and take a deep breath in as she rubbed her eyes with the base of her palm. Her subconscious had been replaying the events of last night with Parker. She sighed and pushed the comforter aside as she swung her legs to the floor; she stood up lazily and made her way to the bathroom.

Catherine braced herself on the edge of the sink as she looked up into the mirror. She didn't look as terrible as she felt which was a good thing. She grabbed her toothbrush and put some tooth paste on it. As she brushed her teeth, the event of the previous night played in her head.

She stepped inside the apartment with Ian behind her. She turned when he shut the door behind him.

"Where do you want these?"

"Just leave them in the kitchen." She was still pretty much shaken from what had happened in the last couple of minutes.

She had her eyes fixated on the carpet but she wasn't actually seeing anything. Ian walked back to the tiny living space and found her standing staring at nothing.

"Catherine." He called and waited a moment. He frowned when she didn't reply. "Catherine?" He called again as he made his way to her; placing his hand on her shoulder, she snapped out of it with her gaze on him.


Ian studied her for a moment.
"You should sit down."

"I'm fine, Ian." She smiled. "Thank you for..."

"He shouldn't have fucking touched you. I could have been there earlier." Ian looked away regretting his decision to wait before he acted.

"Nothing happened."

"He grabbed you and slammed you into the wall Catherine."

"At least he didn't rip my clothes." She joked.

"Don't joke like that."

"Ian, I'm fine all thanks to you." She caressed the side of his face. "I'm here, I'm ok. Nothing happened."

Ian stared at her face for a moment and pulled her into his arms bending to her height and burying his face into her neck; he inhaled her.

"Can you..." She paused and sighed.

Ian pulled back to look at her.
"Can I what?"

She smiled and shook her head.
"Nothing." Can you stay with me because I'm afraid he might come back?
Even she sounded ridiculous to herself. "I should get to bed."

Her stomach chose that time to growl and she turned away, embarrassed.

"Not like that you aren't." Ian said

"I'll have some cereal." Her usual dinner. "I'm too tired to make anything right now."

"I can make something for you, or order in."

"No, it's ok. I'll be too tired to wait that long."

Ian's gaze seemed to be staring into her soul.

"Thank you for tonight Ian." She rose on her tip toes and placed a slow, soft kiss on his cheek.

Ian looked away; jaws clenched.
"That felt more like a stay the night than a goodnight kiss Catherine." He snapped his gaze to her then and she almost gasped at the way his eyes had darkened.

"I-It's a goodnight kiss."

"I just hope you don't kiss anyone else goodnight like that."

Catherine looked away, muffling a yawn in the process.

"Goodnight." He smiled. "Lock your doors."

She nodded and followed him to the door and locking it after him. She made a beeline for the bedroom and changed into comfy clothes. She unpacked her groceries and had some cereal, making sure her mind stayed blank. She was too drained to think about what just happened. She put the cereal bowl in the sink and went to bed.

Catherine couldn't stop the thoughts of last night from replaying in her head. She was staring into space again and she let it wander. Nothing bad had happened thanks to Ian but what if he hadn't been there, what if he had left after she made her way to her room; what then?

The one person that came to mind was her mum. She hadn't spoken to her mum since she gave up on her dreams and moved to Bell Gardens. She didn't want to lie to her mum about anything, so she figured it was better if she didn't call at all. Now last night's event made her rethink her decision. She missed her mum and somewhere in her mind, she guessed it was time to head back home.

Catherine rinsed the brush and her mouth. She washed her face and patted it dry. She went back into her room and picked up her phone and dialled her mum's number.

Here goes nothing. The sound of the ringing tone made her nervous.

"Catherine, honey." Her mum picked up on the third ring.

"Mum?" She sat on the edge of her bed.

"Honey, how are you?"

Catherine smiled.
"I'm fine mum." Her eyes teared up. "How are you?"

"I'm perfect now that I've heard your voice."

"I'm so sorry mum." She said, her throat clogging up "None of it worked out and I didn't want to disappoint you and tell you I failed."

There was a pause at the other end of the line.
"Oh honey, you could never disappoint me. You are an amazing singer and if they don't recognise your talent there then their loss. You just keep doing you and don't back down."

She smiled through her tears and sniffled.
"I...I think I want to come home."

"That's the best news I've heard since you told me you were going to pursue your dream in the big world."

"You're not mad?"

"For whatever reason would I be?"

"That I left you alone for so long?"

"Honey, you have your own path in life and I can't hold you back. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't let you follow your dreams?"

"I love you so much mum."

"I love you too honey." She said "Now pack up and come home to me."

"I will." She smiled and then she heard the background voice; someone calling for a doctor Lucas miller. "Mum, why are you at the hospital? Is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine with me honey, I'm here for a friend. You'll meet her when you get back."

She exhaled.

"Call me later honey."

"I will, mum."

The line was silent for a moment before she found the will to end the call. She felt the weight lift from her shoulders. Her heart felt lighter and she was able to think about her mum now without the guilt in her heart. She wasn't just happy about talking to her mum, she was happy because she was going home, after so long. She would book a ticket tonight and leave tomorrow.

George; shit. She had to inform him, give him some notice or something. Ian, she had to tell him too. She couldn't just leave him without the courtesy of a goodbye. He'd been there for her as much as George has. So, she'd leave the day after tomorrow when George was prepared for what was to come.

Catherine fell back into the bed and sighed with a smile on her face.

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