Chapter 24

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Kaylie was early to work, earlier than usual. She'd set up the meeting room and even though it wasn't needed, she'd donuts on the way and made coffee. She was going all out because she was really confident in the software. After all the pacing and sweaty palms, Richard arrived an hour after her and had taken a few minutes to settle in before he joined her in the meeting room.

Kaylie was pacing the front of the meeting room when the door opened and she snapped her gaze to the door to see Sebastian.
"What are you doing here?" She asked in a frown.

"I'm here to offer my moral support." He smiled and took a seat.

"No, get up and get out." She shooed him. "I wasn't there during your presentation and I'd be more than happy if you'd return the gesture."

"I'm being a gentleman and who said I wanted to make you happy?" He smirked.

Just as she was about to push him out, Richard walked in.
"Let's begin." He caught sight if Sebastian. "Oh Sebastian, you're in early today."

"Here to offer moral support to Kaylie sir."

Richard nodded.
"Let's get to it then."

Kaylie blocked Sebastian out as she gave her presentation.
"Ground Upp is not just an app that makes client-company relationship easier, it's an app designed to meet the client's dream residence." Kaylie ended with a smile.

Richard watched her and waited which would have made anyone squirm but not her.

"Well?" She asked when he was taking too much time to give her his conclusion on her software.

"Ms. Patterson, is this a joke?"

She frowned.
"I'm sorry sir, I don't understand."

"Is this meant to be a joke?"

"No sir, not at all." She was confused. "I put everything I have into this app and I'm proud of it."

"Proud of what exactly?" He asked. "What I don't understand is how you got your hands on it in the first place and how you'd be stupid enough to present it to me even after Sebastian going first."

"I don't understand what you mean sir."

"You don't?" He sat forward. "Well please do explain to me how you got your hands-on Mr. Young's software."

"Mr...Mr. Young?" She felt her heart rate escalate. She glanced at Sebastian who had a blank face. "Mr. Reed this is my app, I worked hard on this and I don't know how Mr. Young got my app."

Richard stared at her.
"He came to me first with the app."

"Exactly Mr. Reed, why would he do that? Why not wait for the set date and give his presentation here with me today, why a day before me?"

Richard looked at Sebastian.

"Sir, you've known me since I was a little boy, I'd never do anything like what she's accusing me of."

Richard looked back at her.
"I can't have people like you working for..."

"Sir, I think you should let her off with a warning. She's an asset to the team and more importantly to the company."

Richard looked at Sebastian for a moment and then at Kaylie.
"You're lucky your new HOD thinks highly of you."

Kaylie was too stunned to move a muscle. Although she felt herself burn with anger from within and it was rising fast like a volcano about to erupt. Her fists were clenched so hard, she felt her nails dig into palm; she should feel the pain but the anger wasn't letting her.

Richard got up and turned to Sebastian.
"You're now assigned the position of the Head of the IT department, effective immediately. I'll let you contact Alexander Guzman at your own time to set up a meeting for the presentation of your app."

"Of course, sir; thank you." Sebastian shook hands with Richard before Richard left her alone with him.

Kaylie finally turned her gaze to Sebastian.
"Why?" She asked gently.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said with a straight face.

"We both know you do Sebastian, don't pretend like you don't." She was fuming. "You stole my app and now you're acting like you didn't do it."

"Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about."

She let out a whoosh of breath.
"You're a fucking bast..."

"Be careful with your choice of words now Kaylie, you're talking to your HOD." He said smugly.

"Go ahead Sebastian, fire me." She said. "Fire me!"

"We both know how much this job means to you, don't get ahead of yourself now only to regret it later." Sebastian made his way to the door. "Oh, and hurry back to the department, I need everyone in my department earning every cent of their pay."

When he left, Kaylie tried to calm herself down but it didn't do much good. When she finally moved to pack her things, she winced. She looked at her palm and winced even more at the sight.

Problem with keeping her nails, she thought. She went to the bathroom on the floor to wash the blood off and get herself together before she went back down.

What was she supposed to do after this? She'd been pining for that position longer than anyone in the department and all her hard work had gone down the drain. Or rather, her hard work had made it but she hadn't.

Catherine made her way back home from Marco's; she'd submitted her resume and spoken to the manager who found out after he had told her to start the following day that she was Gina's daughter. Gina had been at Marco's when she left and she decided to go home and keep Nina company or better yet, find a way to get her out of the house. When she got home, she called out Nina's name.

"In here." Nina called from the kitchen.

Catherine made her way to the kitchen and found her seated in front of the kitchen island with a bowl in her hand.

"What are you eating?"


"In the afternoon?"

Nina looked at her then back at the bowl of cereal.
"Don't mock my choice of meal. Cereal can be eaten anytime of the day."

Catherine raised her hands in mock surrender.

"How did it go?" Nina asked.

Catherine smiled.
"I start tomorrow."

Nina beamed.
"That's great. I honestly wish you'd do something with your music."

"I'm working on it." Catherine sighed. "Anyway, I came back to see if you'd want to tag along with me."


"I haven't been to most of my favourite places in a long time, I'd like if you'd come along with me." Catherine knew Nina hadn't been out since she arrived and she didn't know why and she didn't want to push her but it was worth a shot.

Nina stared at Catherine, the thought of leaving the house made her heart race but it was inevitable.
"Of course. Just on one condition."

Catherine grinned.

"We stop by the hospital first." Nina said. "I have an appointment."

Catherine nodded.
"Well, let's go."

"I have to change out of these clothes first." Nina dropped her bowl in the sink and made her way up stairs to get ready.

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