Chapter 17

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Catherine had been waiting for Ian to stop by all day but he hadn't shown up for breakfast which meant she'd be seeing him when he swung by for dinner. She had informed George of her plans to leave in a few days and he hadn't been disappointed that she was leaving so soon and without anyone to help him out at the B&B. With her mind at ease after Parker and his friends signed out, she'd had time to think throughout the day. She made plans for what she had to do and she also had someone in mind to take over from her when she left. She didn't want George to worry about looking for someone of taking care of the B&B all by himself.

It was getting late and Catherine smiled as the last couple left. She grabbed the napkin and walked to their table. She took the plate and went back to the kitchen to drop them. She was back at the table, wiping it down when she heard the bell chime.

"We're closed." She called.

"I'm sure the waitress would make an exception."

Catherine felt a smile tug at her lips as she turned around and saw him standing there in all his grace.
"I thought I wasn't going to see you."

He sighed as he walked inside.
"I thought so too but they finally let me go."


He nodded.
"An emergency, had to rush out early in the morning. But all good now."

"I'm glad." She made her way behind the counter but he reached for her arm before she could make it inside. She was in his arms, her body against his and his head buried in her neck just like he had done the night before. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around him. "Are you alright Ian?"

She felt him nod against her neck.
"I just need this right now. It's been a crazy day."

She sighed inwardly.
"I'm here." But not for long.

He pulled away smiling.


"Your scent always calms me."

She frowned.
"I have a scent?"

He nodded and leaned in.
"And it's intoxicating."

She took a moment to get her heart rate back to normal but with him standing this close, she couldn't.
"You must be starving." She made her way behind the counter and into the kitchen. "I prepared your dinner a while ago, I was going to take it with me if you didn't come."

Ian took a seat in front of the counter and watched her.
"Get an extra spoon." He said when she placed the plate in front of him.

"Oh no." She shook her head. "With all that work, you probably need one more serving."

"I think I'd be more satisfied if you shared it with me. Please." He added.

She smiled and went to get an extra spoon, soon she took a stool next to him and they dug in. They talked about a lot of things till Parker became the topic of discussion.

"I should have let him spend a night behind bars before he ran off."

She shook her head.
"I'm just glad he's gone."

"Me more than you."

She watched him eat until he caught her staring.
"What?" He chuckled

"I need to tell you something."

"Sounds serious." He dropped his spoon and gave her his full attention.

"I'm leaving." She said without any delay because it was better than looking at him and trying to figure out how to tell him.

"Care to explain what that means?"

"I'm leaving, I'm going back home to Seattle." She said quickly. "I had been avoiding my mum's calls and I finally spoke to her today after what happened last night and I realize how much I miss her; how much I miss home."

Ian blinked.

"I felt like I had to tell you before I leave because you have been there for me just like George has." She said "And now I'm realizing telling you is harder than telling George."

Ian just watched her, not saying anything.

"Please say something."

Ian cleared his throat and a frown appeared on his face and it was gone the next second.
"I don't know what to say." He said truthfully. "Since the day you arrived, I told myself you'd leave eventually but then weeks turned into months and I got used to seeing your face in here every day. I enjoyed your company, your chat with the customers and that laugh that makes my head turn every time. Recently I let myself believe that you just might stay and I know I shouldn't be but I'm mad."

Catherine frowned.
"You should be mad at me."

"No silly. I'm mad at myself."

"What?" She looked up at him in shock.

"I'm mad at myself for taking so long to do what I should have done a long time ago."

"Done what?"

"This Catherine." Ian leaned in and kissed her. It was sweet and slow as he took his time and savoured her.

Catherine felt herself melt into the kiss but she knew she shouldn't. She placed her palm on his chest and pushed him.
"No Ian, we can't; it's too late."

Ian gazed at her with something she hadn't seen before in his eyes.
"Better late than never."

She shook her head.
"It's going to make it harder for me to leave."

"Harder than it already it?"

She nodded.
"I'm sorry."

He shook his head.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything. I'm just glad I got to kiss even if it's just this once."

"I wish you'd done it sooner." She confessed.

He smiled leaning in and placing his forehead against hers.
"Me too. You taste spicy."

She laughed.
"Well I work in the kitchen, what do you expect?"

"Your lips always looked so fucking sweet it reminded me of strawberries."

She chuckled.
"Is that why you bought strawberries yesterday?" She asked jokingly.

Ian pulled back with a smile.
"It is."

She felt her cheeks heat up.

"But now that I've had a taste, strawberries can't compare."

She looked away embarrassed at the topic of discussion.

"When do you leave?" He asked the question that had been eating at him.

"The day after tomorrow." She said "I'll book a ticket tonight and I have to take care of somethings tomorrow."

"That soon uhn?"

She nodded.

"Well if you don't already know it, I'm going to miss the fuck out of you Catherine Summers."

"I'm going to miss the fuck out of you too Ian Daniels."

"You better." He placed a kiss on her forehead and before she could take the feeling in completely, he was gone; just like she would be in a few days. 

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