Chapter 25

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Nina hadn't seen Doctor Lucas Miller since he left her hospital room the previous week right after he discharged her. She had planned on coming with Gina but Gina was at work and coming alone wasn't an option she hadn't even considered. It was a good thing Catherine was around, she hadn't told her what happened but she knew Catherine guessed as much.

"Nina..." The nurse frowned at the name as she called out.

Nina rose up.
"That's me."

"Dr. Miller will see you now."

Nina looked down at Catherine.
"Are you sure you want me to go in there with you?" Catherine asked and Nina nodded.

Catherine rose and followed Nina into the office the nurse led them to. Nina and Catherine walked inside the office and immediately Lucas looked up.


Nina gave him a smile.

"Have a seat."

"This is Catherine, Gina's daughter."

"Nice to meet you Catherine." Lucas smiled at Catherine.

"Nice to meet you too Doctor."

"So, how you been feeling?"

"Better." She said not looking at me.

"I need you to be honest with me Nina." Lucas said.

"Physically; I'm fine." She said. "The bruises are a little stubborn but...they're healing."

"And mentally?"

Nina sighed.
"I'll get over it."

Lucas nodded.
"I'll need you in the exam room."

Nina inhaled deeply before she did as she was told. She avoided his gaze the entire time.

"Are you sleeping well?" He asked during the examination.

"Most days, yes."

"And others?"


"Memories you mean."

"You're good to go." Lucas said after a few minutes.

She got up from the table and made her way out of the room when he stopped her.

She turned to him.

"You still have HSDD, you need to talk to someone about it or it just stays that way."

"I need time." She looked away. "I need more time. I'll ask for a recommendation when I need it."

"You really don't need a professional except it makes you feel better. You can talk anyone about what's going on."

She nodded.
"Thank you Doctor."

"Lucas." He said.

She looked up at him.

"I call you by your name, it's only fair."

She nodded with a smile before she left.

A couple of minutes later Catherine and Nina walked side by side.

"This is your favourite spot?"

"One of many."

Nina walked through the children's park till they arrived at a vacant bench and sat down.
"I've never been anywhere asides the places I've worked over the years."

"Mum used to bring me here as a child, it was one of those places I could come to and just be and not have to worry about all the things that's wrong in my life."

Nina glanced at her.
"Things like giving up music?"

Catherine looked at her and smiled.
"That among other things." She said. "I fell in love with an amazing guy back in Bell Gardens and I haven't been able to call or text him because I know nothing's going to happen. He deserves someone that would stay to be with him."

"You shouldn't decide for him." Nina said.

"I can't do anything but that. It's hard to picture him to anyone else but I have to be realistic and just forget about him."

"Has he called?"

"Only like a million times." Catherine chuckled.

"He must feel the same way about you."

"Not as far as I know."

"Has he done anything for you to think otherwise."

"No." She sighed. "Now that I'm back home, I've decided to focus on things that are up to my reach. Getting back on track with my life music."

Nina looked at her with a smile.
"So you're going back to it?"

Catherine smiled.
"I am. But I'll need time. I'll start in places where I won't turned down."

"Bars with life music." Nina said quickly. "That will be a good place to start."

Catherine laughed.
"One step at a time."

"That's what I seem to be telling myself lately."

Catherine glanced at her.
"If you want to talk, I'll be here."

Nina looked at her and smiled.
"Thank you Catherine."

Nina knew she'd have to talk to someone about everything that was going on in her head else she wouldn't get through it completely and she needed to get on with her life.

"Mum mentioned you had to present at a trail."

Nina sighed and nodded.
"My...ex, I have to be there even though I don't want to. Apparently to your mum's lawyer who's representing me, I have to take the stand which is even worse than being present."

"Can't they postpone the date till you're ready?"

"It's better to get it over with and have him behind bars instead of constantly worrying about it."

Catherine nodded.
"Rip the band-aid off."

"Exactly." Nina sighed.

"We'll be with you every step of the way, Nina."

Nina looked at her and smiled. Reaching out, she placed her hand on Catherine's.
"I know you will."

Dana couldn't stop thinking or looking at the building she had seen on Ground Upp. It was engraved in her head since the day before and when she had finally given up, she went back on the app and stared at it. So many ideas had begun to take root in her mind but none of them seemed to match what she wanted for the building. She had some savings including the money she hadn't touched from growing up and then getting married to Kevin. Her account had been accumulating money over the years and she was finally read to put it to use.

She hadn't had a reasonable conversation with Kevin since that day at his office. He'd show up earlier on some days and told her to get ready for another event. She was tired of them and of him. She had called Carly to check if her dad was free for the day but his schedule was full. She'd told her to fix her for tomorrow.

Dana was taking the first step to being the person she was supposed to be. She couldn't sit back and not do anything anymore, it was tiring. She wanted to do something with her life and she looking forward to telling her dad regardless of what he said, she was going for it and more.

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