Chapter 28

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Dana was out of the elevator and walking down the hall looking for room forty-three. Her steps were long and fast, her heart beating erratically, palms sweating, pulse racing; she slowed when she reached the door with the room number forty-three on it and wiped her sweaty palms on her joggers.

She walked slowly to the door staring at it like something scary was going blast through. She reached for the door knob, turned it and pushed the door open. When it was wide enough to see inside, she felt her heart stop for a second as she took in the sight of Lily on the bed, a bag of drip near her bed and a machine beeping at the head of the bed. She didn't know how her legs made a move and entered into the room. She was at the side of her bed reaching for her hand.

"Lily." Dana whispered as she placed her hand on top of Lily's.

"You must be Dana Reed."

Dana turned around and saw a man in a white coat.

"I'm Doctor Lucas Miller, I'm Lily's doctor."

"Hello Doctor." Dana reached out and shook his hand. "Lily's my best friend."

Lucas nodded.
"I figured that much."

"What happened?"

"We got notified about a 911 call; according to the medic they were found in the dark alley way which was near a club that has now been wiped clean."

"They?" Dana frowned.

"Yea, Lily and the other person with her, Cheryl Hathrowne."

"Oh my goodness." Dana's eyes went wide.

"I take it you know her." Lucas deduced.

"She's Lily's girlfriend."

Lucas nodded.

"How is she?"

"I can't say right now, I'll be able to tell after twenty-four hours. But she's strong and she's been holding on since she was brought in."

Dana felt a little relieved at that. She nodded and glanced at Lily.
"What about Cheryl?"

Lucas looked at her and was quiet for a moment and Dana knew.
"They lost her before they made it back here."

Dana felt the air leave her. She hadn't known Cheryl that well but she felt part of the pain for Lily's sake; another person gone from Lily's life just like that.
"No." She breathed out.

"I'm sorry."

Dana looked at him and nodded.
"Thank you Doctor."

Lucas stepped out of the room and shut the door behind him. Dana sagged down on the seat close to the bed, her hand still on top of Lily's; she curled her fingers around her hand.
"Please Lily, don't let go." She begged.

Catherine arrived at work the next morning, she was running her Gina's morning shift just like Gina was running her evening shift. Catherine had found a bar which had life music -The Fin. She was out two days ago and had walked by, the notice had caught her attention and she thought: What the heck and went for it.

They had told her to audition on the spot and that had been the first time she had played the guitar since she gave up on her dreams in California. When she had ended, she opened her eyes and looked up to the Fin brothers but she noticed everyone had their eyes glued on the stage at her and after a moment of silence, the applause that followed made her heart fly and put a smile she hadn't been able to get off her face since that day. They hired her right there and told her to start right away but she needed to have a word with Marco's boss first and she's done that. She had informed the Fins and tonight was her opening night. She would have loved if Gina and Nina could make it but Gina had to work and she knew Nina wasn't ready to go into a bar with all that testosterone.

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