Chapter 29

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To say Kaylie was surprised to see him was an understatement. She hadn't expected to see him anytime soon or even at Marco's. Alex watched her without that playful smile on his face he usual had on.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"To have lunch just like you."

"Quite unusual for you to come to Marco's."

"True." He didn't even bother to deny it.

She watched him and waited for him to say something.

"I met Dana the other day."

Kaylie nodded.
"She mentioned that."

"I'm guessing she also mentioned what we put together."

"She did."


"And nothing."

Alex frowned and sat forward.
"What do you mean nothing?"

"It means nothing. There's nothing I can do about it."

"He stole your ideas Kaylie, stole it and got the position you wanted."

"I know that all too well, you don't have to say it."

"Seems to me like you don't know."

"Do you want me to go screaming it out? I can't do anything; I'm moved on from it."

Alex watched her.
"I don't know if I want to shake you or kiss you for being stubborn and strong."

Kaylie snapped her gaze to his and she felt her skin tingle just at the mention of a kiss. She made the mistake of glancing at his lips because he smiled then and she looked away.

"You worked really hard on the app Kaylie and I would know that because you didn't have my time after I called the next day to thank you for Sophie's present."

"How's Sarah?" Kaylie asked quickly, she missed that little happy girl that brought some amount of joy when she was around.

"She's good, asked about you from time to time."

"I'm sorry, I've just..."

"Been busy." He said. "Yea, I know."

Kaylie sighed.

"I love the app by the way." He said. "It's exactly what I want."

Kaylie smiled.
"I'm glad."

"But I wouldn't be signing with RevTech."

"Why not?" Kaylie frowned.

"Because, it's wrong." He said "I can't sign with Sebastian knowing it should be you."

"You can't lose the app because of that. Just sign and don't worry about me."

"I can't not worry when you aren't doing anything about the situation."

"There is no situation Alex; just please, let it go."

Alex nodded.
"Why have you been avoiding my calls?"

Kaylie let out a breath.
"There's nothing to talk about."

Alex raised a brow.
"Does this have anything to do with what I said at Sarah's party?"

Kaylie opened her mouth and closed it when nothing came out.

"So, it is about that."

Kaylie looked down at her food she seemed to have forgotten about.
"Alex, I don't know what you want from me. I don't have anything to give you."

"One night out."

Kaylie sighed.

"Let me take you out, tonight."

"I can't, I have to visit a friend."

"Tomorrow night then."

"Alex, I can't."

"Can't or wouldn't?"

Kaylie was quiet.

"What are you scared of Kaylie?"

Kaylie chuckled.
"Going straight for the jugular."

Alex waited, not budging.

"This isn't the place to talk about things like this, Alex."

He didn't seem to care.
"What are you sacred of?"

He seemed to stare into her but it felt like he could see deep into her soul.
"Losing myself." She began. "I realized how easy it is to talk to you, open up and just be myself, be comfortable. Then you went ahead and came clean about wanting to take me out; it was nice to know at first but then I couldn't help but wonder what you saw in me when there's Natasha. I'm not...her and you might not like anything you find out about me while I keep falling deeper into the idea of you." She rambled. "I could lose myself in you easily."

Alex was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"For several reasons; first being how you could lose yourself in me, it's not just you sweetheart. Second..." He reached for her hand and wrapped his fingers around it. "...You're not Natasha; thank God. I like you because you are you Kaylie and like I said, Natasha has been in Sarah's and my life for a while but I still wouldn't think of being with her the same way I imagine being with you."

Kaylie squeezed his hand.
"I've never done anything like this before Alex, I don't know how to handle something that isn't my work or my family."

"You're smart, you'll figure it out." He smiled reassuring her.

"I have goals and things I need to achieve." She squeezed her eyes shut. "I can't..."

"Hey, look at me." He squeezed her hand and Kaylie looked at him. "You can do anything Kaylie. You can do all those things with me; we'll figure it out...together."

"I'm scared." She whispered.

He smiled.
"I haven't had an interest in anyone since my wife, Kaylie. I'm scared too but I want to do this with you."

Kaylie took a deep breath and exhaled then she nodded.

"Yes?" Alex was already smiling and it was contagious, so she smiled and nodded again.


Alex's face brightened up as he grinned.
"Just so you know, if we weren't here, I'd pick you up and spin you around."

Kaylie chuckled.
"You wouldn't."

Alex' grin disappeared and the look she saw in his eyes knew he wasn't kidding around.
"Of course you would." She said quickly.

Catherine arrived and placed a plate in front of Alex before she left.

"When did you order that?" She asked.

"Before I joined you."

Kaylie stared at their hands joined together on the table.


She looked at him.

"Well get used to it because I'll be doing a lot of it."

Kaylie smiled.

"So, which friend are you going to see tonight?"

"Lily, she's Dana's best friend and my ex-roommate." She said. "She's at the hospital."

Alex snapped his gaze from his food to her.
"Is she alright."

"She will be, hopefully." Kaylie said wishing she was right and Lily will be ok. She would just have to see for herself when she went there later in the evening.

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