"I said so. Mum! Mum, go inside. Mum, don't stand there, just go inside. Just, Mum, go. Oh, blimey.", Rose groans as the TARDIS materializes.

"Huh?", Mickey mutters.

"How'd you do that, then?", Jackie asks the girls.
"All right, so I lied. I went and had a look. But the whole crash landing's a fake. I thought so. Just too perfect. I mean, hitting Big Ben. Come on, so I thought let's go and have a look.", The Doctor says to the girls as they walk inside the TARDIS.

"My mum's here."

"Oh, that's just what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic.", The Doctor groans.

"You ruined my life, Doctor. They thought they were dead. I was a murder suspect because of you.", Mickey growls at him.

"You see what I mean? Domestic."

"I bet you don't even remember my name.", Mickey challenges.


"It's Mickey."

"No, it's Ricky."

"I think I know my own name."

"You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?", The Doctor asks.

"Mum, don't! Don't go anywhere. Don't start a fight!", Rose calls after her mum.
Rose and Juliet follow Jackie out of the Tardis.

"Mum, it's not like that. He's not. We'll be up in a minute. Hold on!"

"That was a real spaceship.", Juliet says.

"Yep.", The Doctor confirms.

"So it's all a pack of lies? What is it, then? Are they invading?"

"Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert.", Mickey scoffs.

"Good point! So, what're they up to?", The Doctor wonders.
"As the crisis continues and the government shows remarkable lack of leadership, paranoia sweeps the country. There've been at least three reports of public assaults on people falsely identified as aliens. Now back to Tom Hitchinson.", The Television is on.

"Are there more ships to come? And what is their intention? The authorities are now asking if anyone knows anything. If any previous sighting has been made, then call this number. We need your help."

Jackie dials 08081 570980. It is 23:08. She gets the busy tone twice.

"Tonight, the London Institute of Psychology is warning that incidents of violence-"

"Yes, I've seen one. I really have. An alien. And she's with him. My daughter and her girlfriend, their with him. And their not safe. Oh, my God. Their not safe. I've seen an alien, and I know his name. He's called the Doctor.", Jackie rambles into the phone.

Someone or something types The Doctor into a database search.

"It's a box. A blue box. They called it a Tardis.", Jackie adds.

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