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I zip up the rest of Calum's suit case and roll it downstairs. "I don't want my baby to go." I place my hands on Calum's cheeks.
"I don't want to leave my princess." He kisses the tip of my nose.
"Where you going daddy?" Hazel hugs his legs.
He picks her up, "Daddy is going away for a while and he'll be back just in time for your baby brother or sister to be born." I laugh at how he speak about himself in third person.
"No!" She starts crying.
I grab her and hold her against my chest, "It's okay baby. You'll sleep with me while he's gone." She screams and cries into my shirt. He grabs her from me and cradles her.
"It's okay Hazel. I'll be home soon." He kisses her and walks her to her bed. I follow quickly behind.
"Go to sleep, for me?" He asks. She kisses his cheek and sniffles. She rubs her eyes and puts her hand out for him. He puts his hand in hers, obviously huge compared to my little girls hand. She plants a kiss on his palm, "There, it be forwever!" I smile and pull a box out of my pocket.
"Okay. I think it's an appropriate time to give you two these. I pull out three locket necklaces.
"Here's yours. It has a picture of me and Hazel in it. Hazel, here's yours, it has a picture of me and daddy in it. Mine has my two favorite people in it. You two." I smile.
"Who's this?" Hazel asks pointing to Ashton's picture in her locket.
"That's uncle Ashton when he was younger." I smile. She smiles and puts it by her bed. She lays down and we walk out of her room.
"How much time do you really have?" I smile and rest my arms on his shoulders. "Three hours." He presses his forehead to mine. "Hmmm... Maybe this time I'm the one who can't keep the pants on." I smirk and push him into the bathroom{the closest room}. "Wow. We've done it on the beach, a hotel bed, our bed, but not the bathroom." Calum smirks and pulls my shirt off. I unbutton his flannel and take his belt off. He takes my bra and pants off. I pull his pants down as he unbuckles my bra. The straps slide down my shoulder and fall onto the shower floor. I pull his pants and boxers off his body and throw them to the side.

I get dressed and walk downstairs. "Come on babe." He walks downstairs while attempting to pull his pants up.
"Grab your necklace and I'll ask my dad to watch Hazel while I take you to the airport." I grab my phone and dial my dads number.
"Hey sweetie! How are you?" He asks. I smile at the voice I was raised by, the one that taught me right from wrong, the one that soothed me when I wouldn't stop crying after mother decided to leave.
"Hey, I have to take Cal to the airport. Can you come watch Haze?" I ask him.
"Time with my granddaughter? I'm all for it. I'll be there in 20 minutes." He laughs. I sigh and hang up.
Calum hugs me, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
I rest my ear on his chest and listen, "Nope." I giggle lightly at my joke.
"Ah, do I have to reread my vows?" He asks.
"Maybe I want you to." I listen to his crazy heartbeat.
"You make my heart beat spin out of control, still, after so long. Just seeing you waking up next to me makes me fill with joy. Part of the reason I get up before you is so I can watch your angelic face as you sleep. Sometimes you murmur my name and it makes me smile because I know you're thinking about me subconsciously. I'm glad I have that effect on you. Every morning when you rub your eyes it's the most adorable thing besides our daughter because she got your nose and cute lips. I just wish life could go on for eternity but what makes me happy is that Hazel will get married one day and have kids. They'll be so little and we'd be so happy knowing our product made its own. And eventually when we can't walk as fast as we used to, and when my band is retired, we'll still be together and I'd still love you, wrinkles and all. If anyone takes you away, I will try to win my soul mate, you, back and keep you in my grip. You're literally an angel that was sent for me and to keep me happy. But I know that there will come a day when we will be ripped apart and it's called death. I don't know who it will be first but I will never remarry because you are my only wife and you will be forever. Hopefully this one is a boy or this won't make sense. This little boy right here will carry on my... our family name and carry on for generations. And knowing that me and you started this generation makes me the happiest man on earth and I'm extremely in love with you. I'm glad I get to love you and make you happy and hold you. i love you. It saddens me to leave you alone to care for Hazel AND develop another life inside you. It's also so admirable because you're working so hard to care for you, our daughter, and our baby. You're such a saint and I'm glad I get to call you mine. I absolutely love every inch about you and majority of my life is devoted to you and my children. You're my life and I could never do what you do. I mean... we pass kidney stones, is that like giving birth? I bet it's not. You're incredibly strong and never will I yell unless it's at the person causing our family problems. I love you. I'm gonna quote the fault in our stars real quick. I know there will come a day where all our labor will be returned to dust and the sun will swallow the only world we'll ever have and I'm in love with you Neveah Jasmine Hood." His voice confident, full of love and passion. His shirt soaked in tears, my tears.
"Wow." My dads weak voice emerges from behind the corner.
"You heard all that?" Calum looks over.
"Yeah. I did and I'm happy to call you son." My dad embraces us.
"Let's get going. I sigh and grab the keys. I wipe my eyes and get in the car. The trunk shuts and a few seconds later Calum is in shot gun. "Ready?" I ask him. He nods and kisses me.

I open my phone camera to take one last photo with him before he leaves for 7 months. I gasp and drop my phone. "Calum! Why the fuck did you not tell me my mascara was running?" I rub under my eyes, not a care in the world about my phone.
"Cause you are still beautiful even then." He smiles and kisses me.
"You let me walk through a fucking airport, with a bunch of fans looking at us! PAPARAZZI WERE TAKING PHOTOS!" I begin to worry, grabbing a makeup wipe out of my purse.
"You're still absolutely beautiful. No matter what my fans think." He holds my hand. I throw my makeup wipe away and pick my phone up.
"Okay. Now let's take the photo." I smile and puff my cheeks out as he kisses my cheek.

"Bye beautiful. I love you." He kisses me goodbye and leaves onto his plane. I watch as he grips the necklace I had bought him, I grip mine and its as if we were holding hands.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now