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I wrap a towel around my clean body and step out of the shower. "I made dinner!" Calum yells from downstairs. Mother instincts kick in and I rush down stairs into the kitchen look for any fire. 

"Damn. Didn't know we were having dinner like that." He chuckles lightly. 

"We're not. I just got worried there was a fire and so I ran down here." I groan. 

"No, let's have dinner like this." He takes his pants off and his shirt, leaving him in his boxers. 

"No, I'm going to get dressed." I start walking, but the resistance from my arm restricts me from going anywhere. 

"No. We're eating dinner like this. Please?" He pouts. 

"Fine. Put your lip back, or a bird will build a nest on it." I kiss him. He walks me to my seat and pulls it out for me. 

"This is ridiculous." I laugh. 

"Nope. I get to admire my beautiful wife's body." He smiles. 

"I'm not beautiful, nor is my body." I shake my head. 

"Your body is art. You're art. A masterpiece." He smiles. My eyes stare at his chest. 

"Your chest is beautiful. You're perfect, Calum." I smile. 

"Eat and then you can touch my chest." He laughs. I grab a fork and shove a piece of chicken in my mouth.

I lay on the couch with Calum in my sports bra and his boxers, softly touching his chest. 

"I wonder what Zayn is up to?" I sigh, tracing his tattoos. 

"Probably with Liam being idiots." He laughs. 

"Most likely." I laugh. I hear a knock on the door and try to get up. 

"I'm dressed. Let me get the door." Calum stands up and answers the door. 

"Zayn, hurry up!" I hear Liam's voice. I rush upstairs and change into some proper clothes, at least some sweat pants and the 'Mrs. Hood' shirt Calum gave me when we were dating. I walk downstairs and rush into Zayn's arms, holding him so tight. 

"Hey there." He laughs and hugs me tight as well, making it a bear hug. 

"I missed you Zayn." I kiss his cheek. I turn to Liam and hug him. 

"How have you been? Did you guys finish on the x-factor." I ask them. 

"Yeah, we're in a band now!" Liam cheers. 

"Where's the band members?" I ask. 

"Louis! Niall!" Zayn calls out. A blonde and a brunette walk into the living room. 

"Hi! I'm Niall!" He smiles widely. I laugh and take a close look at the other one. 

"Louis?" I search his face. "Nev?" Louis replies. I smile widely and hug him. 

"How have you been?" I ask. 

"Still trying to move on from Harry. It's really hard. Like, really hard. He was the one that got me, helped me through stuff ya know?" Louis sighs. 

"Yeah. Sometimes I go to his grave and talk to him like if he were here right now." I shrug. 

"It's makes me feel like shit knowing I couldn't find him in time." Louis and I say at the same time. 

"So... you know each other?" Zayn asks. 

"Yeah, me and Louis used to be best friends until Harry died and then we kinda said we needed time to grieve and he moved away to England. That's when we lost touch." I shrug. 

"I'd like to think we're still best friends." Louis wraps an arm around my shoulder. 

"Yeah. We are. Calum, come here." I grab his hand. 

He walks to my side, "This is my husband, Calum." I introduce him to Louis. 

"Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson, big fan of Five Seconds of Summer." He smiles. 

"Thanks man." He smiles. 

"No problem. Sorry for us coming over so late. We were in town and had no way of getting into our hotel." Louis laughs. 

"Fangirls." Calum chuckles. 

"I'll go get the air mattress." I smile and walk into the basement. I flick the light on and push through the freshly clean guitars and the extra strings for them. I push past the old boxes of baby clothes Hazel grew out of and reach for the boxes of air Mattresses. I kick a box with my toe and fall onto a pile of boxes, causing more boxes fall for on top of me. 

"Fuck!" I yell. 

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks walking down the stairs. 

"No! I'm covered in," I cough out the dust in my mouth, "boxes!" I struggle to get out. 

"Don't struggle it'll make it worse. GUYS! NEV IS STUCK!" He yells. Stomping comes from upstairs and down the stairs. Boxes begin to move off of me, the air mattress boxes still in my arms. 

"Are you okay?" Calum helps me up. 

"Fine." I brush off and shove the boxes at Calum. 

"Liam, come on you're sleeping with me. Calum sleeps on the couch." I growl. My feet feel like they're dragging behind me. Maybe the depression is kicking in again. The slowness, the feeling of everything being dark. Maybe the boxes falling in me resembled what I felt when I had a miscarriage. I walk in my room and get under the covers. "Good night, Liam." I sigh and turn my lamp off.

"Good morning." Zayn flips a pancake. 

"Morning, Zayn." I give him a side hug. I flick the coffee pot on and place the coffee beans in them. 

"Morning, Nevaeh." Calum wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Morning, cal pal." I pour water in the coffee pot. He softly kiss my neck and sways my hips. 

"Pancakes are done. Hazel! I made yours special!" Hazel comes toddling in the kitchen and sits at the island. She digs into her pancakes that are topped with strawberries, Nutella, and whipped cream. 

"How'd you like sleeping at uncle Ashton's?" I ask Hazel. "I awte buncht cahndy." At the word candy my head snaps toward Ashton's direction. "Sorry, didn't know she wasn't aloud to have a lot of candy." He shrugs. 

"Better hope you learn because that one will beat you." I laugh and point to Kaitlin. 

I grab my favorite coffee mug and pour my coffee into it, "Calum, can you grab my thin mint creamer?" I grab a spoon and a measuring cup. He puts it on the counter and I measure 1 cup of creamer and stir it around. I take a sip and sit at the island. 

"It feels great to have all my family and friends in one place." I kiss Hazels forehead. 

"Yeah. I agree." Louis smiles. 

"I was thinking maybe we can see Unfriended together?" Calum asks. 

"Yeah, we all can go. I'll hold Hazel and make sure she doesn't get too scared." I shrug and take another sip. 

"Yay! Wovies!" Hazel jumps into Calum's arms.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now