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When I started this I never thought it'd be this big. I thought it'd be stupid like my other books but you guys are so awesome and I love that! Thank you so much!
I pull my curled hair and tuck it into a pony tail. "Are you ready?!" Calum yell from downstairs. I pull my heels on and grab my bag. Giggles fill my ears as I slowly walk down the stairs. "Dannggg!" Luke yells. I blush and smile at Calum who still hasn't collected himself. "Where are your glasses?" He asks, fixing his suit. "I'm wearing contacts." He kisses my cheek and waves bye to everyone. I follow behind him.

He helps me onto a large but adorable boat and a few paparazzi's get on. I smile and sit down. "Come on, I want to do something." He pulls me to the very front of the deck. I step onto the tip and outstretch my arms. "Like the titanic." He holds my waist. I turn around and kiss him, "You're so cute." I hold his cheeks. He smiles and I turn around. Staring at the sunset and the soft ocean waves, the soft sound of the water smacking up against the side of the boat fills my heart with joy. Silence is all I hear behind me, in fear that he went over board I spin around. He's on one knee with a dark red velvet box. "This is so cheesy, I know. Yet, all I want is to be with you. We have a beautiful baby together and we've been through so much. You're such a beautiful person and I love you, Neveah. You're such a great person and I really want to call you, Mrs. Hood," He takes a breath in, "You're the one I want to promise my life to. I would die for you, Nev. I would give my life for you or Hazel. You two are my whole world. I want to ask you. Will you Neveah Harper be my wife for the rest of our lives?" I cover my mouth. protecting gasps from escaping. "Calum, I... I..." I wipe away a few tears. "Oh, no. you're gonna reject me." His head hangs low. "Calum, Yes. I'll marry you." I jump into his arms. He hugs me then lets me go. He pulls the ring from the box and slides it on. "Oh, Calum. It's beautiful." I kiss him again. "Just like you." He hugs me. Cameras still snapping photos, people with recorders, recording, people with note pads writing every word we speak. "I love you." I whisper into his neck.

He pulls out my chair and waits for me to sit. "Babe, I don't need all this." I sit down. He pushes my chair and sits at his, "For my princess? Anything to make her feel special." He smiles. I blush and pull a stray hair behind my ear. A waiter pulls the covers off our meals and it reveals my favorite meal. "Large Hamburger, large fries." The waiter speaks. "You remembered." I return my glare to Calum. "How could I forget?" He smiles and pulls a ketchup bottle from under the table, along with coffee. "How are we supposed to drink that?" I snort. He pulls the cutest mug ever out from the waiters cart and replaces the wine glass. "It's so cute!" I smile at him as he pours my coffee.

I lay down in my bed after putting Hazel to bed. "Hey." Calum rubs his face, trying to get the tired of of his face. "The guys kind of fell asleep in the living room. I hope that's okay." He gets under the blankets. "It's fine." I kiss his cheek and hide under the blankets. "Is someone tired?" He laughs and pulls my face to his. "Yes." I hide my face in his neck. As soon as close my eyes, Hazel begins crying. I climb out of bed and walk to the nursery. "Hush, Haz." I pick her up out of her crib and bounce her. She calms down and grips my shirt. "You're so pretty." I stroke her head and back.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now