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As I shake the little maternity test in my hand wondering whether i'm pregnant or not, Calum knocks on the door. "Nevaeh?" He speaks softly.

 "Yeah?" I pull my hair back. 

"It's Hazel's first birthday. I think you should be out there." Calum sighs. 

"Be out there in a minute, Calum." I pull my hair from the band. 

"Okay." He walks away from the door. I look the test and throw it in the trash. 

"Calum!?" I yell from upstairs. 

"Coming!" He yells back. 

"I'll be back down with Nev. Then we'll do cake and ice cream." Calum announces to the party. His footsteps the up the stairs, a tear drops from my eye as his footsteps get closer. I close my eyes and wait for his presence. 

"Nevaeh, are you okay? what's wrong?" Calum asks stroking my cheek. 

"So... um... I'm pregnant." I rest a hand over his, holding it to my face. He stares at me, at lose for words. 

"You are?" His smile glows. 

"Yes. I really don't know what to do Calum." I panic, "I don't know if I can handle another child!" I begin to pace. 

"It's okay. Lets just go downstairs, break the news and have fun. Okay? We'll be okay." He holds my hand. 

"Okay. Thank you, Calum. I wouldn't really know what to do." I squeeze his hand tightly. He presses his lips to my cheek and walks downstairs with me next to him. 

"Everyone, gather 'round." Calum walks into the living room. I feel Calum's arm wrap around my shoulder. "We just found out. We'd like to share it with this lovely group of people first." Calum smiles and holds me closer. 

"We're-" I get cut off by the front door swinging open and my mother standing there. He face red and her breathing heavy. 

"I just now found out about my first grandchild?" My mom charges herself at me. She tackles me to the ground, Calum pulling her off me using all his strength. He finally gets her off me, my dad helping me up off the floor. 

"Thank you." I whisper to him and hug him. 

"I'll call the police!" My step mother announces. 

I watch as my birth mother growls, fighting against Calum's grip. She pulls a pocket knife out of her pocket and breaks free, chasing after my step mother. My dad cuts in front of her and the knife goes in between his ribs. 

"Dad!" I scream, rushing to his side, my stepmom doing the same while on the phone with the police. My birth mother fumbles backward, the knife falling out of her hand. Calum catches her and holds her wrist between her shoulder blades. 

"Hold on dad." I apply pressure on his wound.

I hold my dads hand wait for him to wake up. The whole party sitting in the waiting room, Ashton holding Hazel, keeping her from seeing her granddad like this. 

"It's okay, Nev. He'll be okay. The doctors said." Calum holds my hand, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"I'm just worried Calum. Ya know?" I look at him, "He's getting older and I really don't want to lose him." I sigh deeply.

"I won't let them give up on him. I promise you that." Calum holds my waist.

I lay my head on Calum's lap and he plays with my hair. "He's awake. Only Family members please." The nurse holds my dads clip board. I grab Hazel and hold her hand, walking into the room with Ashton, Calum, and my step mom behind me. 

"Dad!" I hug him tightly. 

"Not too tight dear." He groans. I gasp and let him go. 

"Come here, Hazey." He opens his arms for Hazel. She walks over to him and Calum helps her up the bed. 

She hugs her granddad and giggles, "ey yuh wu, pahp." 

I smile and Calum puts his arm around my shoulder. 

"Let's hope this one comes out just as great." He rests his free hand on my stomach. 

"What?" My dad looks at me. 

"Oh, yeah, before mom stormed in I was gonna tell you I'm pregnant." I smile wide, like an idiot with Calum. 

He smiles, "That's wonderful." 

Hazel looks at me, then Calum, then my stomach, "Mommy ate my little sister?" 

Calum laughs, "It could be a boy. And no, it's developing in her." 

I elbow Calum in the side, "She doesn't need to know about that!" I growl in his ear.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now