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Nevaeh's Point Of View
Kaitlin runs into the room a worried expression on her face. "What happened?" I sit up. 

"Hazel broke her leg." She breathes heavily. 

"Oh my god! I have to be there, I have to help her!" I try climbing out of bed but Kaitlin slowly pushes my down back in my lying position. 

"I have to!" I cry. 

"She's already at the hospital with Calum. Don't worry. He was just as scared as you were. They'll be home soon." She huffs. 

"I just can't sleep without knowing she's safe." I stare into her eyes. 

"She's safe right now." She smiles.

 I nod and grab the stuffed animal Calum got me for my pregnancy. "I'll turn on Aquamarine. You like that movie right?" She walks to the tv. 

"Yeah, it's a great movie." I grab my phone. Just as I unlock it my phone rings. 

"Hello? Calum? Is Hazel okay?" I try to stay calm. 

"She's okay now. She's on medicine to numb her pain. We're on our way home now. Ashton came and picked us up. She was crying for you like no tomorrow." He explains to me. 

"How did it even happen?" I ask. 

He huffs, "I took her to the park and she jumped off something really high and her leg couldn't take the impact." I make kiss noises and say goodbye. 

"I'll make the popcorn." She walks out of the room.

I watch as Aquamarine rushes to her water tower. "We're home." Calum yells from downstairs. 

"Please bring her up here." I beg. I heard Calum groan and heavy footsteps step onto each stair. 

"Thank you!" I pull Calum's face to mine and kiss him after he sets Hazel down next me. "Are you okay?" I embrace Hazel. 

She giggles, "yuh!" 

I sniffle, "But Haze, I love you and care for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be at the hospital with you." 

She kisses my cheek, "is otah," She points to her purple and green cast. I laugh and hug her tight. 

"Come cuddle." I open one arm to Calum. He lays down and cuddles up with me and Hazel. 

"Ashton should be here soon to pick you up." He tells Kaitlin. 

"Okay, thank you." She nods and walks out of the room. I twist around and place Hazel in between Calum and I. 

"Our family is beautiful." He stares into my eyes. 

"Yeah, It really is." I kiss him. 

I feel Hazel's whispers on my stomach. I laugh lightly, "Awe." Hazel places her hands on my stomach, "stawh yoh kaking it!"

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