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(TW: Miscarriage  & rape)

I wake up to screams in the distance. "Nev! Are you okay!?" Calum asks me. The screams were coming from me. 

"My water broke!" I scream. He gets out of bed and carries me downstairs and into the car. 

"Is everything okay?" Ashton asks. 

"Her water broke. This isn't good." He buckles my seat belt and shut my door. 

"Watch Hazel." Calum yells to Ashton as her drives to the hospital.

"Come on! Push!" The doctor yells. I push hard and squeeze Calum's hand as hard as I can. 

The nurses look away and the doctors face drops. 

"It was too young. We lost him." The doctors eyes glossy.

I curl into my hospital bed, crying. "I knew that something was wrong. I just didn't expect it to be a miscarriage." 

Calum whispers. "Hush. Just cuddle with me." I sniffle. 

He gets under the covers and holds me. "I love you with all of my heart." He kisses my head. 

"I do too Calum. This is just a bump in the road. Right? We'll make sure this never happens again right?" I whisper into his chest.

 "Hazel came to see her new sibling." Ashton cheers. 

"The baby didn't make it." Calum whispers. 

I cry into his chest. Hazel climbs in between Calum and I. "Mowmy, is okey." She smiles at me. 

"You're right. I do. I couldn't ask for anything more." I sniff. "

Hey! Where's the ba-" Kaitlin walks in and shuts up as soon as the depressing mood hits her. 

"The baby didn't make it." Ashton whispers. Tears fall out of my eyes, harder than ever before, even harder than when I was raped.

"This isn't the best time to show this to you Calum. But I think you should see it." Ashton whispers. 

My back still turned against them, me and Hazel lying in bed. 

"Oh my god." Calum gasps, the sound of earbuds clashing together erupt. I suck a deep breath in and release. 

"Who posted it?" He asks. 

"No one knows." Ashton whispers. 

Hazel stirs in her sleep, "Hmm?" She cuddles into me. 

"We'll get people searching for the poster." Ashton walks out of the room. 

Hazel falls back to sleep. I feel Calum wrap his arms around me and lie down. "It'll be okay. this is just a bump in our long road." He whisper and kisses my cheek. I smile slightly and close my eyes. 

"I love you, Nevaeh. With every living fiber in me." He whispers and pulls me close.

"Calum. Pst." Ashton's whispers wake me. He walks to our bed and shakes Calum. 

"Hm?" He stirs. "We found out who posted the thing." Ashton whispers. 

I can't help but fall back asleep.

Calum's Point Of View
"Who posted the video." I shut the hospital door.

"It was the guy who raped her." Ashton whispers. I look at my watch '4:32 am'. 

"But Tyler is in Jail." I shake my head. 

"Well it came from his computer and his house." Ashton crosses his arms. 

Maybe a family member posted it? As a favor." I sigh. 

"Lets call the cops and get going." Ashton grabs his phone. 

"Kaitlin, wait here with Nev. Tell her everything is okay. She can't know." I follow after Ashton.

"OPEN UP! ITS THE POLICE!" Officer Jones yells slamming on the door. A little girl around the age of 12 answers the door. "Hey, little girl do you have a family member present we can talk to?" Jones asks sweetly. 

"Yeah. In the living room. Come on in." She smiles and walks inside. 

"Hello. What do I owe this pleasure?" A lady around 45 asks. 

"We saw a video of Calum's wife's rape. It said to have come from Tyler's computer. We just have to take you all in to ask some questions. Is that okay?" Jones crosses his arms. 

"Well of course, because I know we didn't do anything." She smiles and gladly accepts it.

"Henry!" Jones yells for him to come in and sit. 

I lean on the wall behind Jones and watch the questioning. "Did you do it?" Jones asks. 

"Do what?"

"Post that heinous video?"


Jones slams his fist on the table and leans in close to Henry's face, "Tell me the truth, son. Or you will regret it."

Henry bursts out crying, "Yes! I did it! But I didn't know it was a video of Calum's Wife being raped by my brother. I owed him a favor and when I visited he asked if I uploaded file 'MOV_97_22' and don't look at it what ever I do. So you know as a good brother I did it. but I had no idea!" I sigh and walk out of the room. 

"Did they get him?" Ashton asks. 

"Yeah. I have no idea what they're doing now. Lets just go and see Nev." I sigh. 

"I had people delete it." Ashton sighs. I nod and walk away.

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