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"You're beautiful." Calum embraces me. 

I smile, "Pretty cute yourself." 

He laugh lightly and places a small kiss on my nose. "Your dad is ready to be released. We just need someone to sign here." The doctor points to the line. I grab the pen and scribble my signature on the line.

My dad walks out of the bathroom after changing. I hug him, "Do you feel okay?" 

He nods, "perfectly fine." I sigh in relief and Calum wraps an arm around me. 

"I told you so." He whispers in my ear. 

I smile and kiss him quickly before he pulls away. Everyone walks away and Calum pushes me into the bathroom. He pushes me up against the wall and locks the door. 

"Its not like I can get you pregnant, You already are." He smirks. 

His face lowers to my stomach, "Watch your little head in there." He kisses my stomach. I smile as he pulls my shirt off my body.

"Hi mommy." Hazel embraces my legs. Luke stands a few feet away. 

"Thank you for looking after Hazel while Calum was gone." I smile and put Hazel on my hip. 

"No problem, she's a blast." He shrugs. I walk upstairs and into Hazel's pink and green room. 

"Nap time!!" Hazel squirms in my arms. I nod and lay her down in her bed. 

"Sleep tight, Haze." I pull the blankets up to her neck and kiss her forehead. 

"I wiw." Her baby Australian accent poking through. She definitely got more of Calum. "wuv ey." She kisses my nose before I get up. 

"I love you too, Haze." I get up and shut her door.

"Is she sleeping?" Calum asks. 

I nod, "Yeah. Do you plan on inviting the guys over?" 

He looks at Luke, "Yeah, Micheal and Ashton should be here soon." 

I nod, "Hazel definitely got more you than me. Cause her Australian accent is just now poking in. I barely have one." 

He laughs, "But she's got your nose and I love your nose." 

I smile and throw a Twinkie at his face. 

"Who said I didn't want one." Luke mocks. 

I throw one where the sun does not shine very hard and he winces in pain. I laugh, falling out of my chair. "Ow!" I laugh and kinda scream. 

Calum holds me and strokes my face, "Are you okay?" I clutch my stomach and my hip. 

"Are you okay?" He whispers to my stomach. 

His hand rests on my hip, "Ow!" I scream. 

He feels my stomach and feels the ever smallest little kick. "Do you think she's?" Luke asks. Ashton and Michael burst through the door, dropping the sodas and snacks they had at the sight of me. 

"I'll call the doctor carry her to bed." Ashton commands pulling his phone from his pocket. Calum carries me up the stairs and lays me in bed, lying down next to me.

"How do you feel?" The doctor asks.

 "I'm in major pain, I don't even know how to explain it." I shiver. 

"I suggest we keep her on bed rest until the baby is born. I'll bring some equipment for her ultrasounds and such. Just keep her in bed." He points to Calum. 

"Is she okay?" The boys walk in the room after the doctor leaves. 

"Yes, she just needs to be on bed rest. Which means I have to care for Hazel for 8 months." Calum shrugs.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now