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"Oh, look how beautiful you are!" My step mother hugs me. I smile at her, "Just don't cry, okay? Cause then I'll cry and we don't have time for that." She laughs and walks away. My dad walks in and embraces me. "You're so grown up." He holds me and smiles. "How much was that dress again?" He asks. "3.2 million dollars." I answer. "And you got it for free?" He asks. I nod.

I interlock arms with my dad and the music begins to play. I look out at the sun setting on the beautiful lake. We start walking behind my beautiful daughter and Mali, our flower girls and bridesmaid. Calum smiles at me and wipes a tear away. I meet my body with Calum's and face the priest.

"You may now say your vows." He says as Calum and I face each other. "You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths. You're my path, and you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that. But I'm tired of them all. I'm tired of every single one of them. So I thought I better make a choice, right? And I choose you." I say to him, a bunch of cameras flashing around us from the paparazzi. "Within a minute I was all packed up, I've got a ticket to another world. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go. The silent words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see. Don't ever leave, she said to me," He sings to me, "And I won't leave." The priest smiles and announces very loud, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Calum spins me and dips me. "Whoop." I whisper before he touches his lips to mine. He holds my head and kisses me, hard. Cheers erupt from the crowd as he stands me back up.

Calum pulls my chair out and I sit on it. "Okay... Okay. I would just like to say a few words," Mali stands up, "I've known Nevaeh for quite a long time, I mean she's the mother of my niece for crying out loud but the first time I met her. Boy, was that fun? She looked pissed and she asked for Calum so I assumed he had pissed another girl of by being the sick popular guy. I never knew that after three months of him being cooped up in his room that he would be trying to be good enough for you. Although, that is never gonna happen, I'm just glad you two are happy." She sits down and Calum holds my hand. "My turn!" My step mom stands up. "Okay. So I've know this little girl since she was in the 7th grade. Ashton and her were best friends and still are now, She's the only connection I have to girls sometimes so, Calum, don't think you're getting rid of me that easily. I remember when she came to my house, crying, because she had gotten pregnant. I remember the 18 year-old girl hugging and crying out loud. I also remember when she was 16 that she came crying to me because she didn't know what to do about the guy she was currently dating at the time. Of course I told her to follow her heart but she did the opposite. Enough of that, Congratulations you two." She sits down as my dad pops up, "I told you from the very beginning. Follow your heart it'll lead you to happiness. Now, that's exactly what you did, because here you are with the most wonderful guy who looks at you like you're an angel, you are, and the way you look at him like he's your whole world, that's happiness right there. I'm very happy for you." I wipe a tear away as Calum leans in and kiss my cheek. "Hurt her, you die." Ashton stands up and then sits back down. "No backing out now." I laugh. Calum kisses my cheek.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now