chapter sixty two.

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Dear Iris,

It's funny how my entire life revolves around words, yet at this precise moment, I can't think of a signal thing to say. Then again Iris, recently it's you my life has been revolving around.

The first thing I want to do is apologise. Iris, I want you to know how sorry I am that this is what it's come to. I'm sorry that I'm leaving, there's nothing more in the world that I want than to run off to Paris with you, but things never seem to work in our favour do they? I'm so terribly sorry Iris, I'm so, so, so, sorry.

Normality never was for us, was it daydreamer? We never were normal, and that's what made us so perfect. However if that's the case, maybe we were doomed from the beginning. We could never be that normal, happy couple walking through town holding hands, and maybe that means the unhappy ending was inevitable.

We got so close though. We almost had it, and although we didn' get our happy ending, just know you filled me with so much happiness to last a lifetime, to prove that I wasn't broken like I thought.

You fixed me Iris, you saved me.

I still remember that day you told me you could say a lot in two minutes. I thought you were being ridiculous, and to be honest, I was intimidated by you. You looked so damn beautiful that night, and that was the very first time I got a glimpse of the intelligence I wish everybody else could see.

You were right, there is a lot you can say in two minutes.

In two minutes, you can walk from my place to that newspaper stand.

In two minutes, I can recite the longest part in our favourite play, Romeo and Juliet.

In two minutes, you can tie back two of the front pieces of your hair and pull down a few stray curls so that you don't totally hate your quick hair-do.

In two minutes, you can apply your favourite lipstick and url your eyes lashes, although you'd probably change your mind on the colour a dozen times, which I guess exceeds the time limit.

In two minutes, I can think of a million things that I love about you.

In two minutes, I can say your first name 127 times.

In two minutes, I can say your full name 251 times.

But if we had two more minutes, I'd say I love you 133 times, because when I counted, you can say the three words 'I love you' 133 times in two minutes.

Perhaps in some other lifetime, a different version of this story would exist, and we'd be able to have our happy ending. We'd tale long walks through Paris, holding hands without worrying, and I'd be able to take you out on a million dates. I'd be able to show the entirety of Paris that you'd mine.

JUst because I didn't get my happiness, doesn't mean you can't have yours. I want you to go to Paris. I want you to go out there, sell all your incredible paintings and show them that they'd never seen art like yours. I want you to wander the streets in those paint covered dungarees of yours, your bag filled with your sketchbooks and a million things that you definitely don't need for your five minute stroll.

I want you to be happy. I want you living the life you dreamt of before me, and I don't want you to stay here.. Don't let them win Iris, you have to promise me, you won't let them win. You deserve the world and so much more, don't let anybody ever make you feel different.

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