chapter five.

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Harry Styles

This morning, I'm dropping Harper back off at home. She came round to mine last night without mum, and then refused to leave so ended up staying over. Harper often stays over in my spare room, it's pretty much her bedroom rather than my spare room. I obviously don't mind, I actually enjoy the company.

She tried convincing me to not work today, but I really can't. It's difficult saying no to her, but she has school tomorrow anyway so she needs to go to bed early. The whole time walking her down the road she kept asking me to see if I'd change my mind, and as expected, I didn't.

I read her favourite book with her last night but she fell asleep before we even got to the end. That's why she likes staying here so much, because George doesn't read her to sleep and neither does dad. My mum does, but she gets bored when she does it and asks if I can come over and do it instead. I'm glad she likes reading, she'll be grateful for it when she's older. It's a good hobby to have.

"Are you staying for a sandwich?" Harper asks as we walk up the driveway.

"Not today Haps, got to work. I told you." I chuckle, swinging her arm back and forth to try and get rid of the frown on her face.

My mum saw us coming up the drive so had the door open by the time we got there. Harper didn't drop my hand though, because she doesn't want me to go back home so in her head, if she doesn't let go then I won't leave.

I stepped in regardless, handing her bag to my mum and praying George or my dad don't come storming down in a shit mood. I like coming home when it's just my mum here, because I miss seeing her everyday. It's a shame I don't feel welcome here anymore, because if I was, I'd be here as often as I could be, just to spend time with my actual family.

George and my dad came walking out of his office together, and Harper then waved at them both, because after all, she is his daughter. He just smiled at her and said hi back, which makes me upset because not even in the slightest way possible did he look excited to see her.

"Yeah, well she practically ran away before I had the chance." George explained, carrying on his conversation as if his sister didn't just walk in the door.

"She'll need you if she wants to get anywhere in life." My dad said, to which it then became obvious that they were talking about Iris. "You've still got a chance."

They both stopped at the door next to my mum and Harper, George then acknowledged Harpers existence by giving her a smile. Whilst I don't particularly like Iris, it's a shame that they think she'll get nowhere, because it doesn't take a fool to notice that everybody in this town seems to have all these paintings popping up in their houses. It's obvious Iris is doing just fine, and to be honest, if she did go out with George it would only negatively impact her.

Then again, I suppose it would negatively impact anyone being with George.

"I mean maybe if you treated her with the slightest piece of respect you might have a greater chance." I suggested, clearly taking everyone by surprise. "Just a suggestion."

"Do you think you have a chance with her or something?" George laughed sarcastically.

"She's all yours George, trust me I don't want her. I was just saying." I mumbled, looking at my mum awkwardly and then shuffling back towards the door. "I'll see you lat-"

"Fuck off." George cut me off. My mum took Harper away into the kitchen, and my dad just walked off shaking his head. It was my and George left, him staring at me like I'm stupid. "You try your luck with Iris and you'll become an even bigger embarrassment to the family. Iris is mine."

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