chapter thirteen.

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Harry Styles

"Can we have a drawing contest?" Harper asked me, sitting at the opposite side of my table with her paper and pencils as I'm here working away.

Harper wanted to come to my house today, she said George was being mean to her and apparently she asked him if he could help her with her reading homework and he laughed, so she came here, I helped her, and now we've got the whole afternoon to do what we want.

It's a shame, it really annoys me when he totally disregards his little sister. She just wanted his help in regards to an issue which is so important to her and her six year old mind. I always try to keep our differences aside when it comes to Harper, he's her brother too after all, but when he starts ignoring her, it's really hard not to tell Harper her oldest brother is a massive waked who only cares about himself.

"I'm afraid I'm not as talented at drawing as you are, you'll win." I tell her, squinting my eyes. "You know what you can do though?"

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Draw me a picture of your favourite animal." I said, smiling at her. "or my favourite animal actually."

"What's your favourite animal again?" She pauses thinking to herself,"...A butterfly or a tiger?"

"Draw both." I suggested. "Make them friends."

Harper took that in her stride and went full focus mode. Her tongue was poking out as she sketched a tiger, and a butterfly, all focus and concentration going into the absolute work of art. I hope one day she does work as an artist, if that's still her passion when she's older, because she sure does enjoy it. If she gets a job she actually likes, she'll be happier in the long run. That's if she gets away from here though I suppose.

Harper sat working away as I did, finishing the article to go into the papers book review section. It was Casino Royale I reviewed this time, which isn't really my genre but it was good nonetheless. As sad as it is, I like romance novels because of how emotion provoking they can be. If they've got an underlying message even better.

Currently, I'm going through my copy of Romeo and Juliet, and analysing it like crazy, sentence to sentence. I don't have a lot of time for it, so I only really do that when I'm out and about on a walk. That's a good one to think about, there are a lot of discussion topics in that play, and apparently at NYU it's a good one to say you've studied. Whilst the possibilities of NYU are slim due to my dad, I still have it in my mind that it's somewhere I'll be going.

An hour went by and Harper had finished her drawing, and several others she's taking home to put in her art drawer. I finished my work for the day and suddenly it was time to get Harper home, after all, she just came here for help with her homework. I appreciate her company though, it makes me feel a whole lot less lonely.

Harper was skipping along the cobblestones, her pigtails swinging from left to right as she did so. Then she stopped, turned to face me with a thoughtful expression on her face. She waited for me to catch up to her and when I did, her arms were crossed.

"What's wrong Haps?" I asked her, giving her a little nudge.

"We haven't gone to our beach in so long." She told me through a sigh. "Can we go tomorrow?"

"We can go at the weekend Haps, promise." I smiled, "I'm really busy tomorrow, but you can come for tea if you want. Ask mum."

"The weekend is so long away," Her shoulders dropped as a frown took place on her face which made me laugh. She's like an old lady in a six year olds body sometimes.

"You're telling me." I chuckled back.

We continued our walk home, until Harper's shoelaces unravelled and we had to stop again. I crouched down and had her foot up on my thigh so I could tie them again, but apparently I did them too tight, then too loose, then too tight again, and it took about five times to actually get right.

Dear Iris [h.s]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang