chapter fifty four.

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Harry Styles

Iris and I spent the whole morning in bed. I didn't want her to leave so I was trying to get her to lie with me for as long as possible, but that only worked for half an hour because she works so hard and god forbid I steal time away from her paintings. Besides, the more paintings she works through, the quicker we can get to Paris.

It was nice waking up next to her though, knowing she loves me back and that feeling in my chest I get every time I look at her is one she feels too. I love her a lot and moving to Paris away from all of these people who've ever hurt her, I can't wait.

Nobody will be able to hurt her in Paris. I can't protect her here like I wish I could,, but in Paris, nobody will ever hurt her. She deserves the world and in Paris we could have it all. I just want to live a happier life than the one I live here, and in Paris with Iris, I could do that.

Downstairs after Iris left, I did some writing and other work stuff. I couldn't really stop thinking about Iris though, I couldn't stop seeing the look on her face when I told her I loved her. She looked so happy, genuinely happy, not just a smile she puts on. She looked happy and I fell ten times harder the second I saw that look on her face.

By lunch time, I had only done half of the work I was supposed to have done, but I didn't mind. I have time tomorrow to do heaps before doing shit in the evening. I never moved from my seat at the table once though, just kept falling into daydreams about Iris.

Until my mum knocked on my door and came in with a bag of fruit and veg, because she thinks I don't feed myself. She's half right, I have beans on toast a good four out of seven nights for my supper.

"I need to talk to you." I said, taking that bag from her hands to place it on my kitchen counter. "Thanks for all this by the way."

"Okay, about?" She asked me, looking confused and then taking a seat down on my couch. My mum looked over at the butterfly on my fridge momentarily and smiled, knowing it was one Iris did. "About Iris?"

"Erm...about something you have to promise not to tell dad, or George, or anybody." I said, nervously sitting on the couch next to her. "Please. You can't tell dad or George, not just for my sakes but for...for Iris's.

My mum looked concerned and I don't blame her, I don't think I've ever actually said stuff like this before. My mum is the only person I can trust nowadays besides Iris and Harper. My mum loves Iris too, which is why I'm telling her.

"I won't tell a soul." My mum said, placing one hand on my shoulder. "What's the matter?"

"I erm...I'm just gonna say it, okay?" My mum nodded in response, giving my shoulder a little squeeze. "I love her...and she loves me. We're in love."

My mum smiled, a smile I've never been more grateful to see as I was terrified she;d turn round and say something that criticised me for falling in love with Iris. That wasn't a smile of criticism, it was one of understanding and I'm so glad.

"Harry," She chuckled. "I know. I knew there was something between you two."

My heart dropped. "You did?"

"Yeah." My mum nodded, "But your dad doesn't pay attention, he'd never have suspected it so don't worry... I've had your backs for a while now, you know."

I was worried my mum having suspected this would have meant my dad did too, because then not only would I get shut, Iris would too and I can't stand how they treat her. It's horrible. That last family dinner where they treated her like a housemaid, and Thomas smashed that bowl. That was so  difficult to be part of.

"There's something else..."

My mum looked surprised then, she stopped moving her hand on my shoulders and the smile left her face. I knew she'd still reassure me no matter what, but I could tell she was worried now too. I don't blame her, I could say anything.

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