chapter fifty six.

442 21 13

Iris Grace

My dad was golfing all morning and when I went home to get ready for his birthday party thing, he was busy and didn't want to be bothered by me. So technically I haven't seen my own dad on his own birthday, now I'm terrified to go downstairs to face him, Thomas and my mother.

My dress tonight is burgundy, it makes me look pale and I don't think a colour would suit me less. They'll hate it, they'll probably ban me from even showing up at my dad's birthday event because they'll be too embarrassed of me. It's got a really low back and the front neckline is a v, it does have sleeves, but they're just loose pieces of material and it's really flowy.

I think I look awful. I didn't have time to straighten my hair, or fix those damaged curls that are just frizz, so I have the two front pieces pinned back and that's the best that I could do. As much As I'd love Harry to turn up tonight, I much prefer if I was in my painting dungarees or something so he doesn't see that this is me trying to look my best. This is my best, and it's still awful.

Walking downstairs I took my dad's card, and his whiskey, if I've timed this right, he'll open this and then we'll have to leave right after so there'll be no awkward sitting around. I'm also suddenly very insecure of the neckline of this dress and wishing I wore a dress that didn't make me feel like I was going to flash somebody.

Then I saw George sat in my kitchen, with my family. Everyone stared at me, George wasn't even looking at me, just my chest and if it wasn't for the fact it'S my dads birthday and I quite literally have to go tonight, I'd have gone back upstairs and never left the bedroom for hours.

"Uh, happy birthday dad." I said with an awkward grin, walking over to my dad who was actually smiling.

"Thanks Iris." My dad said, taking the whiskey and opening his card.

Thomas stood up and wandered over to me, he stood behind me, his breath stinks of alcohol already and his presence makes me so uncomfortable. It isn't even 7PM, and he already stinks of alcohol, on his dad's birthday. I don't have a lot of respect for our father, but at least I have the respect to not be hammered before even leaving.

"Dad doesn't drink that." He whispered behind me.

"That's nice of you, thanks." My dad said blankly, setting the card down and looking at the bottle, which was now some moment of truth for me thanks to Thomas. "This is a good whiskey, surprised you knew that. Thank you Iris, you did good."

I don't think my dad has ever said thank you to me once in his life.

Thomas rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, George followed him as they both wandered outside. I was left with my mum and dad, my mum who smiled at me and nodded, and my dad who had just thanked me for something for the first time in his life.

My dad said something about a car, I didn't really listen, however followed after him and my mother.I wasn't thinking about a jacket, it's warm outside so I didn't take one. There was a car waiting outside, one that I had to share with my mum, dad, brother and George.

It was awful. I was sitting between George and my father, and I don't think George stopped looking at my best regardless of the fact I was attempting to hide it with my purse. It also felt like it lasted forever and I could see the smirk Thomas was giving George as if it meant something strange.

My dad was in his Element when we arrived. Centre of attention with everybody wanting to talk to him, wish him well and tell him how great that whole party is.People were saying hi to me, however they were much more excited when they saw Thomas following behind me.

I went over to the bar for a drink, something told me I'd need something to get me through the evening. I got a martini, not my usual choice but the barmaid offered and how could i say no?

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