chapter forty nine.

493 22 24

Iris Grace

You know when you avoid something so much to the point where you can't avoid it anymore? Yeah, that's me with these stupid family dinners between our family and harrys. They made some big business deal and I tried to use an excuse to get out of it but it fell through. Now I'll be spending the evening trying not to get my feelings hurt by drunk men who think they're entitled to say whatever they like.

I helped my mum throughout the day, it was actually nice to spend time with her and laugh, and all those mother daughter things I don't think I've experienced in months. We didn't talk about family, or boys, or any of the stuff that would end in arguments, we just spent time together and it was actually really nice. I've missed her.

It was nice until my dad got back and my mum had to snap back into the version of herself that he's created. That's what hurts, not just the fact she wouldn't be friendly with me, it's just awful watching her become somebody she isn't changing herself to be who he wants her to be. My mum is a good person deep down, I just wish she didn't change for my dad. She deserves more than that.

Upstairs I got ready as slowly as possible, because the more time I spend up here the less I have to engage in conversation with them. I put on a black dress and pinned the two front pieces of my hair back, nothing fancy really. I put on a bit of mascara and the earrings Christina got for me last Christmas. I couldn't be bothered doing that much tonight, not when I'll probably leave as early as possible.

I could hear that the Styles family had arrived so decided to make an appearance downstairs. Thankfully, mum and I started cooking a little earlier than usual so there wouldn't be much time for chatting before dinner or it'll be overdone.

I saw Louise first who opened her arms and gave me a hug straight away, she complimented my dress and said something kind about my hair. She always makes me smile, she's one of the sweetest women ever.

George and his dad gave me that awkward nod and smile, George even shook my hand, which was very strange and felt extremely forced. His dad nodded at him though, so it was obviously something his dad asked him to do, because godforbid George and I don't fall helplessly in love with each other right? It's weird that they push it so heavily when neither of us could be less interested.

Then there was Harry, standing there with Harper wearing a smile. I know I saw him this morning, but I missed him a lot. We planned to run away to Paris this morning, and I don't know if that just made me get way too attached to him, but it feels like I haven't seen him in forever.

"Iris! Come help me with this" My mum shouted, followed by the sounds of the oven opening.

I smiled at Harry, he smiled back and I tried not to let my cheeks flush red as I excused myself to go and help my mum. He makes me way too nervous, I feel like a little school girl again.

"Could you take these through?" She asked me, pointing to a bowl of carrots and a bowl of Parmesan. "That ones hot so watch yourself."

"Yeah," I said, grabbing a dishcloth to protect my hand.

I wandered through to the dining room and paced them down on the placemats. That's pretty much everything there besides the actual plates which my mums doing just now. Everyone's kind of hovering in the hallway, waiting to be asked to go to the dining room because they can smell the food from the kitchen.

Nervously I walked by Harry back to the kitchen, leaving the dishcloth there before standing in the hallway again, waiting for the conversation to fall flat so I can tell everyone dinners ready. As I was waiting Harper waved at me all excitedly, and of course, I waved back.

"What'd you want?" My dad asked me, really catching me off guard as he was mid conversation.


"You. You're hanging about like you have something to say, what is it?" He rolled his eyes, clearly agitated that I didn't get that to start with. 

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