chapter nine.

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Harry Styles

Harper stayed at mine last night, she was so tired and there was no way she was going to walk all the way home without complaining so much. It was the easy option. I obviously didn't mind, she stays over all the it and my spare bedroom is pretty much just a bedroom for her at this point.

As much as I love her staying over, I forget how much she loves waking up early. Don't get me wrong I'm an early bird myself, but my definition of early is 8, hers is 6.

It's a Saturday.

I made breakfast half asleep as she sat at the table and entertained herself by drawing me pictures to stick in my fridge, which at this point is just a mini art gallery for her. She loves drawing, I think drawing to her is like writing to me. Maybe one day she'll get famous and dedicate an artwork to me like I'd love to dedicate a novel to her.

"Harper, that's half ten, best get you home." I smiled, sitting opposite her at the table as she looked at me and frowned. "Don't you start looking at me like that."

"Why do I have to go home?" Harper frowned, resting her head in her hands as she looked at me all disappointed.

"Because I have work to do, and you weren't even supposed to stay over last night." I explained to her, frowning back.

"I don't want to go home." She sighed. "Can we go to our beach?"

"I don't want you to go home either, and no beach today,but I'll take you soon. Promise." I respond, standing up from my seat and moving so I'm standing behind her chair, pulling her out from the table. "C'mon then we'll walk the long way."

Harper knew there was no arguing and stood up from the table in defeat, rushing upstairs to grab anything she wanted to take back with her as I put my shoes on and grabbed hers. I'd let her stay here all day if I could, but knowing my dad he'll end up blaming me for trying to corrupt her and turn her against my entire family.

She came downstairs, her curly hair absolutely all over the place with her dress from last night in her hands dragging along the floor. I laughed and took it from her hands, folding it and then placing it into a bag so she can take it home to get washed.

Then I decided to grab her hairbrush and attempt to fix her bloody lions mane she's got going on. I've been a big brother for six years, so I'd say my hairdressing skills are actually top notch. We go to the beach a lot, our little beach next to the river that only Harper and I ever use, and she hates having wet hair so I've mastered the arts of putting plaits in for her.

That's what I did today, put two braids in for her so nobody at the family home can accuse me of letting her go home in an absolute mess.

"Your hair looks so good, Haps." I exclaimed, grabbing her shoes and passing them to her, all proud of myself for the two braids in her hair.

"Can I do yours?" She said with a little giggle.

"When it gets longer, absolutely." I said, tying my shoelaces and then patting my thigh so she'd stick her feet up for me to tie hers. "Get practicing."

"I will." She smiled, rushing off to find her jacket as I put mine on and stood by my front door. "Got everything? No sneaky 'I forgot something' tricks when we get all the way home and have to come all the way back again?"

Last time she stayed, she said she had everything and when we got to the bottom of the road where our family house is, she decided she forgot something so we had to walk all the way back, then she remembered she didn't take what she forgot to begin with. I'll give her her due, she's good at tricking me.

Dear Iris [h.s]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin