chapter fifty nine.

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Iris Grace

Harry and I fell asleep on the couch last night, in each other's arms. I was still in my dress but I woke up earlier than he did so got up and changed quickly before he woke up. He was exhausted last night and really needed the sleep.

He'll be in a bit of pain today, a few bruises have popped up on his chest and his jaw is looking a little blue. Last night we spoke for hours about Paris, so whilst Harry's night was absolutely awful, it didn't end that way. I hate seeing him as upset as that, I hate that they make him that way.

"Morning." I heard his groggy voice mumble behind me, and  I turned around to see him sitting up, struggling as if he was in fact hurting.

"You want a painkiller?" I asked, however he shook his head.

He stood and walked right over to me, grabbed my face and kissed me. I barely even kissed him back because I was that surprised. I'm not complaining though, I mean why would I? When he pulled back, we both giggled a little and he kissed me again, just a little peck this time but it still gave me the same butterflies I got the first time we kissed.

He held my face and smiled at me, a genuine smile. He looks happy, despite the signs of physical hurt on his face, he looks happy and that makes my heart feel all warm. He looks a thousand times more beautiful when he's smiling, theres this glow that he has.

Last night we figured it all out. We're going to Paris tonight, we'll pack our suitcases and stay in a hostel until we figure things out, then we'll come back for the rest, like Harry's books and my art things. We have a back up plan for the back up plan, and we've made resolutions to a million worst case scenarios.

The only thing we've not discussed is the family side of it. I think we both want to figure that out on our own, we'll have our own ways of wanting ot tell them that we're leaving. I don't Know how I'll tell them, maybe I'll just leave a note here because I don't think they deserve a proper goodbye. Then again, returning here to get my things on even worse terms with my family would make things more difficult. It's not going to be easy either way.

"I'm gonna go and see Harper" Harry said, his arms snaking around my waist as he looked down at me. "I'll take her to mines and I'll pack my things. Then I'll come here in the evening, how's that?"

"That sounds good." I smiled, my hands felt on his chest. "Christina has a car, she can drive us and I need to talk to her today. She'll help us, I know she will. She can take us to the airport.                  

"You go and see her today then," Harry said with a smile, "Tell her I promise to look after you in Paris, and that we'll send her postcards."

"I'll do that." I smiled.

"You might wanna see your family too." He said, moving to hold my hands as he spoke. "I know you probably don't want to, but you're Iris grace, you're full of love, even for people who don't deserve it. I think you'd regret it if you didn't at the very least say goodbye."

He's right. I hate them for what they've done to me, I hate them for what they've done to Harry. I hate the fact they saw me at my lowest, yet defended the one person who pushed me to that point. I hate that they think they can dictate my life. But what I hate most is the fact that I still see them as family.

"Okay." I sighed, nodding my head.

"Good." Harry nodded, kissing my forehead. "Proud of you."

I stood up on my toes to kiss him back, "We're really doing this?"

Harry nodded and wrapped his arms back around me, holding me close to him. "I believe so, daydreamer."

This is both scary, and exciting. It's pretty much everything we've been working towards for our entire lives, just different versions of that, arguably better versions. We aren't doing it alone like we thought we would, we're leaving here together.

Dear Iris [h.s]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora