I take a deep breath to squelch the panic and head to the front door and toss the things inside and shut the door behind me. When I turn back around Michael is already approaching the porch area.

He is dressed more casually than I have seen him in our previous encounters over the past 2 months. He has a worn t-shirt that clings to his muscular chest and gray sweatpants. I didn't let my eyes wander any further down but kept them right on his face. I have just come from church after all and mens gray sweatpants are devil's candy.

He takes his hand and slaps away a loose strand of hair pinning it back as he says, "Hey."

I clench my hands behind my back and nervously bounce on my heels, " Why are you here?"

I don't mean for it to come out so brash but I also don't  know how he had my address and why he thought showing up at my house unannounced was a bright idea.

He must have caught my annoyance, "I am sorry. Don't be mad but I begged Mr. Jones for your address. I told him I  wanted to personally give you the check for your commission. I....huh... never got to give it to you yesterday."

Mental note kill Mr. Jones. He has no clue if Michael is a raving lunatic but he sold me out pretty quickly.

Michael must've read my thoughts, " I had to beg him and promise any future wedding I would do with your office." He smirks at me. "Although I don't see that happening anytime soon," he quips.

I guess there isn't going to be a reunification. Not that I care.

"Thanks but you don't need to pay me," the words that I didn't actually mean left my mouth from my heart not my head. I don't want a pity hand out from Michael James. No I wasn't a lucrative basketball coach but I also wasn't begging for money on the street either. I can support myself. That other commission check would greatly help though but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"No, I insist with all you had to put up with. Please take it. It's your job and we utilized your services. It isn't your fault that the wedding didn't happen." I look up and see his honey eyes softening. I can also see the dark cirlces and pain on his face that he has endured the past several hours.

I nod as I grab the check from his extended hand.

" Well you didn't have to bring it all the way here."

Seriously, this could have waited til tomorrow. I don't want to be ungrateful cause I have already wrapped my head around not getting the check but I would also prefer him not to be on my doorstep.

" I know but I just couldn't let another day go by without telling you thank you."

I stare at him blankly, " For what?"

"Calling me to Savannah's bathroom so I didn't make an epic mistake."

I bite my lip. I don't want him to have any sense of gratitude. We aren't friends and we aren't ever going to be friends again, "I don't know what you are talking about."

I look up at the sky to divert this intense stare off.

"Even though it's been almost 10 years I still know when you are lying, Allie." The way he says my name makes my heart purr to life.

I know it is true that he can read me.  Even if I don't want to admit it I know his body language too. Like right now the way he keeps shifting his weight means he is nervous. What does he have to be nervous about?

"Anyway I just wanted to say thank you cause I know you didn't have to. You prevented me from making a massive mistake."

"I would have done that for anyone, it's the decent thing to do." I wave my hand dismissively so he doesn't read into my intentions.

My Ex-BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now