"I am the youngest so technically I can behave most like a child."

"You sound just like Lando and George."

"I do not." Emilia replied.

"All I can hear is whining and excuses, exactly like those two." Alex smiled. "And don't even try and pout, that makes it worse."

"I wasn't going to." Emilia defended.

"Sure you weren't." Alex rolled his eyes. A car came up behind them so Emilia dropped behind the Haas driver making it easier for the car to pass them. The car honked obnoxiously loud making Emilia jump. She turned around seeing Charles in his Ferrari and Emilia stuck her middle finger up at him. He passed them both and sped into the distance his engine popping. "Welcome to Monaco." Alex chuckled.

"That must be so strange to see other drivers all the time." Emilia responded.

"You get used to it after a while. Monaco's a nice place to live."

"It probably is. I just don't think it's right for me, too flashy." Emilia replied and they were biking up a hill so they stopped talking and focused on getting up the incline. At the top, the two of them sat down admiring the view. It was stunning, Emilia would admit that much, but was it for her? Most racing drivers lived there and she didn't see herself being one of them.

"I am nervous for this evening." Alex confessed.

"Nervous, why?" Emilia questioned. She sat down on a rock next to Alex.

"I don't want to tear them apart completely. What if they get in a fight again? If they hate each other completely by the end of this, I don't know how to cope with that."

"It'll be my fault." Emilia answered. "I said we should do this and the reason they're not speaking to each other anyway is my fault so it wouldn't make a difference."

"It's not your fault. Blame it on Sophie."

"Funny story, Lando brought her to my party after I won." Emilia glanced to Alex whose eyebrows were raised. "Yeah, I know it was awkward. Though, I don't think we should blame anyone for any of this. Blaming just results in unnecessary hatred. We should just embrace what life does to us and get on with it. Which also means not blaming yourself and accepting that we're all human and we make mistakes and I definitely need to work on that."

"Go off Plato." Alex encouraged.

"Was Plato the maths guy?" Emilia asked which made Alex burst into laughter.

"No that was Pythagoras. Plato was a philosopher."

"Basically the same thing." Emilia shrugged. They were certainly not the same person.

That evening, Alex went to pick up George from the airport so Emilia stayed at his house just in case Lando turned up before he was back. According to the Haas driver, Lando was getting a private jet over with Daniel who was returning to his apartment for the weekend.

Emilia started cooking dinner to give her something to do. From Alex's fridge it looked like a roast was possible and it would certainly keep Emilia busy. By the time it was ready it would still be a reasonable time to eat so Emilia put the meat in the oven and started preparing vegetables.

"We're back!" Alex called as he opened the front door. Emilia shouted a hello and could just about hear George's voice over the extractor fan.

"Emilia's here?" George asked recognising his teammate's voice. Alex replied but Emilia couldn't hear him or George's reply. After a few seconds, they both strolled in.

"I decided to cook a roast, I'll replace any ingredients I've used if you want me to." Emilia offered plonking sliced carrots into water.

"No it's fine. Do you need some help?" Alex responded.

That's Racing Baby | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now